Part Eleven - Red and Blue Spandex

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(Peter Parker's POV, Midtown HS)
"But miss you don't understand, she's really sick!" I say raising my voice as I try to explain for the 5th time to the grumpy office lady why I need to leave school. "Who?" She questions as I Internally scream, "y/n Williams, you remember her right?? You signed her in this morning, she's sick and that's why she left without signing out and I need to go find her since I'm her closest friend" I say confidently as the office lady rolls her eyes at me.

"She needs a note for leaving" she says as I sigh, "and so do you, you know the policy no note, no leaving" she says grumpily. "What if I called a family member and got them to talk to you?" I question as she raises her grey eyebrows at me "fine" she mumbles under her breath as I get out my phone and call May.

"Hey Peter" She says seeming distracted, "Hey May, um I kind of need to leave school" I say as I hear her stop what she's doing. "Why?" She questions dramatically, "spider man stuff" I reply with as I hear her calmly sigh. "You're going need to expand on that Peter" she says once again calmly. "Uh well you remember y/n right? You know the girl I talked about a lot, the really pretty one, who's kinda evil but now she's good" I say hoping she remembers. "Oh yeah Hydra girl" May says excitedly, "yeah well she kinda got kidnapped and I really need to tell Mr Stark" I say quickly. "Can't you ring him?" She questions "I've tried he won't answer his calls! Happy's already waiting outside for me, please May let me leave, it's important, I really like her and I don't want her getting hurt" I say as May sighs once again, "fine, but whatever you're doing better not be dangerous I still haven't gotten used to the fact that you're Spider-man" she says as I grin, "thank you May!" I say rather excitedly as I hand my phone over to grumpy office lady.

As soon as the phone call is over I run down the stairs of the school and straight into Happy's car. After what feels like forever we finally arrive at the Avengers facility and I run inside and find Mr Stark in the common room along with majority of the other Avengers.

"Kid, tell me everything that happened" he says seeming rather concerned, "ugh how'd you kno-" i begins to say but he cuts me off, "I could hear everything through her earring, We know hydra has her" Mr Stark says as he looks off too the side. "So what happened" he quickly snaps after a long silence. "Agh we where having lunch and a kid named Flash came and sat next to y/n, he started flirting with her and she kind of got mad and attacked him" I say as I notice a small smirk appear on Mr Starks face, "then what I thought was a new teacher came over and asked y/n to go with him, she wrote the word Hydra on a napkin and quickly shoved it in my pocket, so I assumed he was gonna you know, kidnap her or something, that's when I tried to ring you, but you wouldn't pick up" I finally finish as he lets out a small sigh.

"Kid, she's gone psycho, she's in phase three, she has Bucky triggered as well, We need to find them before-" he says but he's cut of by the news report on the TV behind him. "Breaking news, two unknown suspects are currently attacking the centre of New York City, they are killing and harming innocent people, please stay safe and if you come across these two people, do not approach them" the news lady says as footage is then shown of Bucky and y/n quite literally destroying the centre of New York.

I look over at Mr Stark who seems to  be frozen in front of the Tv, trying to decide what to do... "suit up" he finally says facing the other Avengers, "that includes you" he says as he turns himself around to face me.

(Your POV, NYC)
The warm light of the sun shone down on your back as you killed, killed like it was the only thing you ever knew, truth is..that's because it was. Phase 3 felt good... you had no was almost like a breath of fresh murder filled air.

You ran throughout the centre of NYC with Bucky killing every single person that got in your way, just as hydra had told you to do. It was weird.. something about this phase 3 transition felt off... it was like you had something..familiar hiding deep a lie.

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