Part Six - The monster on the Throne

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(Your POV, unknown place, unknown time)
"Bucky?" You question as you see him standing in the corner, you where both in a completely white room, full of nothing but light. "Buck why won't you talk to me?" You question again as you see his hands form into fists.

"it was two years ago Buck" you say trying to calm the situation. "It's doesn't matter how long ago it was!!" He screams as he runs toward you and grasps his metal arm around your neck, lifting you up so you could strangle for breath.

"B-Buck I-m s-sorry" you say as you fight for him to free you, "I don't care" he says coldly as your throat burns from the loss of oxygen.

"Hurts doesn't it?" Says a calm voice as the room goes black and you finally feel air enter your body again, "seeing the ones you love the most hurt you" the almost familiar voice says calmly.

"do not let him control you, he tortured me for years, putting these fake scenes in my head,
y/n we are more alike then you think" says the voice again as you search in the abyss of darkness trying to find him.

Then suddenly the figure appears in the far corner of the darkness sitting on a stool holding something you knew so well, the tesseract. The figure was wearing a golden crown with two curved horns coming out either side, he was wearing a dark green cape and he had shoulder length black greasy hair.

You knew who he was, somehow he always appeared in your brain, you would be having a normal day and then you would suddenly see him in the corner of your room but you'd blink and he would gone, his name was, as he had told you many times, Loki.

"Why do I always see you?" You question the man as you see a smirk appear on his face, "I believe that we are connected in a way, the man we both so solemnly fear will not leave our minds, he is our own deaths" Loki says as he looks straight into your eyes.

"there is a certain barrier in your mind, a certain barrier put there by hydra, I can not fully access your mind because of this, but, when you go back into phase 1" he paused his smirk growing wider, "the things I can access, will drive you crazier, we can finally be a team" he says as you give him a confused look as he begins to disappear, "good luck" he mumbles as you close your eyes, your brain practically throbbing.

You open your eyes to see yourself in an all too familiar room. The room was quite large with a massive cement throne placed right in the middle. On the throne sat a man, no not a man, a creature, a monster. He was large and muscular, he was purple and wore golden clothing, his eyes staring straight into yours, making your mind burn.

You knew the words that would come out of his mouths, the words that he always says to you. You see, ever since you could remember the man who called himself Thanos would always be inside your head, you close your eyes and there he would be, sitting on his throne staring down at you, a devilish smirk always plastered on his face, you where only scared of one thing, and that was him.

"Hello my child" he says in a calm tone, "for the last time I'm not your child" you say trying to sound fierce when you where really trembling inside.

"You are more than you think" he says as you knew exactly what words where coming, god you had blocked him out for so long, and now he was back.

"You are powerful, valuable" he says pausing for a moment, "but your death awaits" he says coldly, "dread it, run from it, death still arrives" he says making you shiver, "join me and death will not harm you, join me and help me slaughter this world that you so terribly hate" he says as you feel sweat drip down your face, "NOO!!" You scream as he just smirks more, seeing your pain seemed to make him more powerful, more stronger, as his presence made you weak.

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