Part Eighteen - The Black Flower Pendent

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(Your POV, hydra base)
"Come in don't just stand there" Elias says as both Bucky and yourself stand in the doorway of his office, your heart racing at the sight of him, small memory's flickering into your brain because of his presence.

The guards eventually nudge you both into his office and practically force you both to sit down in the two chairs facing his desk. "I knew you would find us eventually" he says as you hold your hands in your lap trying to stop yourself from shaking, "your both smart when you work together, even if not in phase 3" he says giving you both a devilish smirk.

"Handcuff them" Elias says making eye contact with the guards as they came up behind you and handcuffed your hands behind the chair roughly. "You don't trust us?" Bucky says slight anger in his voice as he asks. Elias lets out a small chuckle before placing his clasped hands atop his desk. "You expect me to have trust in you after you both ran off with the Avengers, especially you winter soldier, you have been there for a very long time" he says as you see Bucky clench his jaw out of the corner of your eye. "And you Caroline, do you expect me to trust you? You claimed to be kidnapped yet we taught you the skills to escape but you chose not to" he says seeming a little more angry with you.

"You really expect me to come back here" you mumble as Elias let's off a small smirk. "Then why have you returned" he says sharing you and bucky's glance. "We realised the Avengers don't let us fight as much as we wish, they don't have the right mindset" Bucky says as you turn your glance to the floor hoping not to give away how much of a lie that was. "Fair" Elias says as you feel his eyes burn onto your skin.

"You're being awfully quiet Caroline" he says as you lift up your head and turn your glance to him, "I hear you have discovered your powers" he says as you slightly nod. "Interesting" he adds as you hear a small bang outside turning your head in the direction of the noise.

"Bring up the security cameras" Elias says seeming to speak to a system as a small two sided screen pops up in front of him. From what it looks like, the Avengers finally decided to show up, seeming to be kicking ass which also meant it was your cue to begin kicking ass. You smirk only slightly as you look to Elias, he looked furious to say the least.

"Well" he then says, "ready when you are" you hear cap say from your earpiece as you use your powers to disintegrate both you and Bucky's handcuffs.

You quickly turn yourself around to the two guards running your way, you use your powers to attempt to throw them up to the room and nock them out but instead you sorta maybe did the soul wipe thing, yeah let's call it a soul wipe that sounds kind of cool. "Oops" you mumble as Bucky frowns at you, "did you just kill them?" He questions, "I don't think so, when I don't exit people's souls on purpose they usually wake up in a half hour! I meant to throw them to the roof or something" you say as he rolls his eyes.

Suddenly the door to Elias's office opens as Nat barges in "hurry up there's too many of them!" She yells as she runs back out you and Bucky following. But before you could get out after Bucky the door slams shut, leaving you in there... alone with Elias.

You twist the door handle but unfortunately it doesn't budge oh no.

"simple technology" Elias says as you slowly turn yourself around to face him, "I can simply press a button and it will close the door and lock it, how fantastic" Elias says sarcastically but deep down you knew he was furious. "Did you really think I was dull enough to not know that we had been set up?" Elias spits in your face as you stand still feeling nothing but torturous fright.

"I am not worried though, they will not win... not without you.. and luckily for us... your staying right here" he says with an evil smirk on his face. He suddenly slaps you across the face harshly forcing you to fall to the ground as you clutch your stinging face. "Oh don't be so weak" he says as he picks you up by your throat, strangling you. "I taught you better!" He yells as he punches you across the face causing your nose to bleed.

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