Training and The Exam

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Before we start this chapter, I'd like to point out that my idea for this story kinda came from this song when an idea came in my head of how Izuku's life might change if he was a disciple, let alone a child of one of the Akatsuki. Also, I plan to put the tailed beasts in and another descendant of the Uchiha since you know, why the fuck not. The later though will be revealed at a later date, but I will show one tailed beast in this chapter. Enjoy.

Izuku POV:

"Almost." Once the next day came, Mr. Pain had us begin cleaning up Dagobah Municipal beach as part of our training. Right now, me and Ocha are trying to pull a fridge to the side that was extremely heavy. "You can drop now Ocha, we're good here." We both drop our sides for the fridge to stay by the curb for the garbage men. "Mr. Pain. I hate to ask this, but what does cleaning the beach have to do with our training?" "I kinda wondered that too." "Though heroes nowadays protect people, they should not be above doing some manual labor to help the community. To help someone, you do not always need to dawn a flashy cape or tight spandex's to accomplish this. Sometimes you just need to do something nobody else chooses to do. Take this beach for example, over the years of the oceans current pushing trash onto it's shores and people using it as an illegal dumping sight has turned this once great area into a toxic waste dump. But if the right people would come and remove the wrongs of others." Mr. Pain uses his power to push a huge amount of garbage away to show the sunrise rising beautifully over the ocean. "The former beauty of this place will shine anew."

"With that in mind, I have created a training plan for the both of you to follow that will efficiently complete your objective." Ms. Konan gives us both a small packet with time stamps from when we wake up and go to sleep, to when we train and what we eat. "I call this 'The Road to a Shinobi Dream Plan'." "Your objective is to clear the shoreline up to about midway in the next 8 months. Once that is done, we will train for the next 2 on new jutsu's and your base combat skills with the assistance of the other Akatsuki. Any objections?" "No sir!" We both answer with feeling before getting back to work.

Konan POV:

"Road to a Shinobi Dream Plan?" "It was the best name I could come up with." Pain watches the kids make a few clones to help them before I ask him something. "Why did you choose now to be the best time to tell them about the Akatsuki?" "Because they seemed to hold the spirit of a hero to heart." I look at him a little confused until he speaks up. "It is important for them to know about our origins before Izuku learns of his. Knowing now will let this sink in enough and understand that you had no choice when giving him up." I start to worry about the day the truth will come out and get a little scared how Izuku will react. 'Maybe he is right. If I were to tell him with the knowledge of the Akatsuki fresh in his mind. it may turn bad.'

5 months later Izuku POV:

"That should do it." Me and Ocha put the final bit of trash out by the beach. "Not bad you two. Guess Pain was right about you both." "Thank you Mr. Hidan." Me and Ocha look at the cleared beach with happiness knowing we've done this. "It's beautiful." I hold Ocha's hand and smile. "It really is." "It would appear that you both finished ahead of my initial plans. Not only that, but you had cleaned the entire beach instead of the bare minimum." Mr. Pain starts to smile a little before walking away. "We will be training harder in your base training going forward. Be prepared for today's training." "Yes sir!" "Common man. They just finished a rockin beach clean up 3 months ahead of schedule with interest, give them a day off." Mr. Pain looks at Mr. Hidan and then at us. "Very well. I believe you both have been working hard enough to deserve the afternoon to yourselves. Tomorrow we will begin to train you both more in depth with jutsu's, but take today to rest and prepare for that." With that said, Mr. Pain had left with me and Ocha going to get ready for school.

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