Era's Collide

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Ochako POV:

I started walking back to the others with my eyes burning for some reason. 'What happened back there? It was like all of Bakugo's actions were in slow motion or something.' "Maybe Izu saw it and could give me a better understanding." "It was Sharingan you just used." I look to the side to see Mr. Itachi leaning on a wall. "Sharingan? But isn't that something only you can use?" "Indeed. It is a Kekkei Genkai only those of the Uchiha can use that can mimic someone, slow down things around them, and have a few other additions." I think on this before a weird thought comes in my mind. "Your not my dad or anything right?" "No. I am not, but you are a distant relative of my younger brother." 'Huh, blood lineage can pass a Kekkei Genkai that far down a family tree. Strange.' "You should get going. Izuku might be getting worried for you." "Right, thank you sir." I start running to the stands to return to Izu.

Meanwhile Konan POV:

I began to wait in Recovery Girl's office for Bakugo to wake up. "What the!?" He darts up to look at his surroundings before noticing me to the side. "What the fuck happened!?" "Ochako defeated you because you pushed her too far." He began to grit his teeth in anger. "I didn't lose to that fucking bitch! She did one of those lame ass tricks her and Deku knows! It doesn't count!" "*sigh* Your still holding onto that notion even when she defeated you with a large handicap given." I start to stand up and walk out. "She trained just as hard as you did, if not more to defeat you without nin or genjutsu. The Sharingan may have been able to enhance her senses a bit, but all that she did was her own raw power from the years of training we have done that she obtained. Let this show you how different the gap between the both of you really is." I shut the door before hearing him shout and scream in anger. "Perhaps this is for the better for you Bakugo. That frustration is proof you realize how wrong you have been over the years. Your not the top dog you believed to be"

Izuku POV:

I started to make my way to the waiting room while thinking on how to deal with Todoroki and his desire to not use his fire half. 'Maybe if I make him see that what he's doing is only hurting himself, he'll use it. Or if I put him in a state where he forgets his hatred for his father.' "These things are a lot easier saying than doing." "Hey, Izu!" I look over to see Ocha running to wrap me in a hug. "Hey Ocha, you did great out there." She looks at me and smiles. "Yeah, sorry if I made you worry at all." "I'll be fine, but what about you? Those explosions he landed on you looked like they hurt." "It'll be fine." She leaned into me to begin kissing me with the only thought in my mind being how happy I was that she was ok and happy.

"If your gonna do such an idiotic thing in the open, forfeit the match now." We look over to see Endeavor walking over in agitation. "Your that kid from the Akatsuki, correct?" "Y-yes sir." "I'll head to the bleachers. I'll see you later." Ochako whispers this in my ear before running to the stands to get comfy before the match. "I'm only going to say this once boy, your going to be defeated by my son after you make him accept my power and his role as my successor." My mind thought on what Todoroki said about his father and began to clench my fists. "The boy thinks this silly notion of neglecting my powers is going to be something that allows him to prove some sort of childish thought with me." "Grrrr." He looks at me as I growl before glaring at him with hatred in my eyes. "Todoroki is not you, nor will he ever be you. Between the both of you, I would say that your notion is the most childish. Now get out of my way so I can have my fight with your son." I walked out with him angered with me to a point I could feel his stare at me as I walked.

3rd person POV:

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE NEXT ROUND OF MATCHE-" "My apologies ladies and gentlemen, but I shall be conducting the commentaries for this match." Pain states this while Present Mic is on the ground in pain with a black staff pushing him down. "On our right, we have the shinobi of paper Izuku Midoriya of class 1-A." Everyone began to cheer as he arrived in wearing his headband with pride. "Now on the left, we have the prodigy and son of the number 2 pro hero Shoto Todoroki from class 1-A as well." Todoroki walks up with his standard indifferent look at Izuku. "Now, BEGIN!"

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