Mistress of Melody

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Real quick, the picture up above is Ochako's hero costume in this with two minor changes. The first is the bandanna that she was given around her neck as a way to show respect for Pain and Konan, and the second are bells of varying size and sound around her waist that I will touch on why later. With that said, lets get into the next chapter.

Izuku POV:

*beeb* *beep* *be-BOOM* I wake up to the sound of a blast going off and see Kurama had just released a tailed beast bomb on my alarm clock again. "Common Kurama. That's like the 10th this week." "It deserved to feel my wrath for waking me." I start to stand up and grab the remains of the alarm to bring it to the garbage. When I turn back, I see Todoroki a little dumbfounded as he looked at Kurama and me. "Will this be a normal thing to wake up to?" "Were working on it. No real progress, but were working on it.

After me and Todoroki get up and get ready, we head down to the common area and hear Kaachan clearly fighting with his toothbrush against germs in his mouth while brushing."DAMN STUPID GERMS, DIE!" 'That's rather loud. I'm glad I didn't get him as a roommate or I may have to pull Kurama off him like 8 times by now.' "Morning Izu." I get pulled out of my thought by Ocha wrapping around me and giving me a hug and a good morning kiss. Once we both realize were making a scene, we both go completely red and step a bit away from each other. "Isn't that sweet. So when's the wedding?" "Wedding!?" We both shout this with Kurama having enough and going on the couch to sleep. "Y-you got it all wrong Ashido. We aren't anywhere near that. I mean yes were dating, but marriage is a huge step that I'm not sure I can work with yet."

In that moment, I picture Ocha in a wedding dress with me next to her in a chapel. I start to smile a little before getting a nosebleed from the thought. "Seems somebody is on that topic though." Our pink skinned classmate points to me and makes me pull myself out of my fantasy to see Ocha really embarrassed. "S-sorry, it's not that I want that to happen quickly or anything. It's just that I couldn't help but think of you in a wedding dress and-" "It's ok Izu, I don't blame you. I-I kinda had the same thought you did." She turns away with a little bit of blood dripping out of her nose. 'At least I'm not the only one that's thinking about this.'

time skip to the afternoon

The morning classes were rather normal. Other than the hero course classes in the afternoon, the classes taught are rather normal compared to any other high school. Were all waiting in the classroom right now and waiting for our first heroics class to be taught. "I AM," I look over and see the door slide open with a very familiar face. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" "Woa, All Might is teaching our class!" "That's so awesome!" 'Oh my god, it really is him. He also has on his Silver Age costume!' I start to internally fanboy until I see another person walk in that only me and Ocha know. "Mr. Zetsu!"

Everyone looks at Mr. Zetsu a little confused as to who he is. "So who's the Venus flytrap guy?" "He looks a little weird." "He kinda reminds me of the vigilante Kuro Shiro *ribbit*." "Hello UA. My name is Zetsu and I will be helping All Might teach your class. Our pro hero friend here may be the greatest hero as of now, but he does lack a bit in the teaching department for fresh minds like yours. Lack? He's pathetic in it. Whoever taught him how to teach should be brought out in the middle of the street and beaten mercilessly. Now don't be rude in front of the kids black. Whatever." 

"ANYWAY, TODAY WILL BE YOUR FIRST HERO TRAINING CLASS AND WE WILL BE YOUR TEACHERS. NOW THE FIRST CLASS YOU WILL TAKE SHALL BE." All Might brings out a giant flash card that has the words written in big bold letters. "BATTLE TRAINING! BUT WHAT HERO WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT THEIR HERO COSTUME!" All Might presses a button to bring out 20 cases from the wall. "AFTER YOU ALL ARE CHANGED, MEET US OUT ON GROUND BETA." I grab my costume and start to get really excited about the part that me and Ocha will excel at. 'Finally, the moment that Ocha and me can show what we can really do.'

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