Demon of the Flute

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Momo POV:

While continuing on, Midoriya kept a rather concerned face for Tokage and Shinso. "They'll be alright. We need to focus on the task at hand." He nodded at me while Jirou began to panic. "HARD LEFT!" We went left for a monster to come and nearly bash into Todoroki. "ANOTHER IS COMING FROM THE OTHER SIDE!" Tsu was able to dodge what looked like a similar beast with a weapon. "ABOVE NOW!" "I'M DONE PLAYING GAMES! WATER STYLE: WATER BULLET JUTSU!" Midoriya attacked a third creature with it's hands tied up for us to get away from them. "Huh, what's that sound? Uraraka, what do you see on your left?" She looked for us to notice what looked like a woman looking Nomu playing a flute.

 "Huh, what's that sound? Uraraka, what do you see on your left?" She looked for us to notice what looked like a woman looking Nomu playing a flute

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"She's gotta be the one doing this." "My attack didn't have much effect. I'm pretty sure these things are summoned beings or something." I glanced at her while she played another note for the first one to attack again. 'The flute has to be the cause of this.' "Jirou, with me!" We step out of the group to attack the girl for her to play a few more notes for the beasts to defend her. 'Just as I figured.' "Midoriya, we have this. Go on ahead with everyone else." "You sure about this?" "Positive, these things are only mindless beasts that respond to her flute. They can't react to you otherwise." He nods with everyone heading forward. "Time to show this woman who's truly stronger Jirou." "Right."

3rd person POV:

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3rd person POV:

As the Nomu played, the summoned monsters began to attack in coordination as if they were being led by strings. The one with the weapon tried to destroy the branch the two were on while the one without a shirt on him went to destroy the tree itself. Meanwhile, the armless one came at them in a frontal assault to disperse them for the other two to attack them simultaneously for both to narrowly evade. "Yaomomo, you ok!?" "I'm fine, just keep your eyes on the opponent!" They began to realize what was happening to them with the opponent they were facing sending them farther back away. 'So this thing is like us. Specializes with long distances.'

Yaoyorozu began to bring out Crow to send a poison bomb out of it and directly at the Nomu. The shirtless beast stopped it with the armless going at Yaoyorozu. To retaliate, Jirou made a few clay bombs in the shape of birds to try and attack the player as well for the shirtless one to defend again. The weapon one charged at her and slammed it's weapon down to strike her. Smoke cleared after to show it was a substitution with Yaoyorozu producing a similar smoke. Both beasts came back to it's master while the two girls hid in some bushes trying to think up a plan.

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