Undead Zombie Duo

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Izuku POV:

We kept moving with some explosions being heard from behind us. 'This can't be good.' "Midoriya, you think our guys can handle their fights back there?" I looked forward and began shaking my head to get my attention out of worrying for them. "If they couldn't, they wouldn't be members in the next gen Akatsuki." "He does have a point there. Our comrades have powers we haven't fully seen yet. I have faith in them." Shiozaki reassured me and Kirishima as we kept heading out. Along the way, we were attacked by two Nomu that looked like exact clones of themselves.

 Along the way, we were attacked by two Nomu that looked like exact clones of themselves

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"This is as far as you all go." "Great, Nomu that can talk(Never heard Tayuya talk)." We got in fighting stances with Kirishima going ahead to punch one, and Shiozaki pulling the other down below. "We got this, you all go on ahead!" I nodded with the two taking the twin monsters before the four of us head out. "Courageous to attack us, but foolish." "You won't be thinking that when we kick your asses." "Your deaths shall be done by gods divine punishment."

3rd person POV:

Kirishima used his hardening quirk to send his Nomu down to the ground with Shiozaki following not long after. The two Nomu charged at them with Shiozaki drawing a circle under her. "I can manage getting one, get the other out of here!" "On it!" Kirishima charged at the Nomu he was attacking for them to smile at each other. "Sakon, take the girl." "Yes Ukon." They split up with Kirishima being held by the Nomu called Ukon. "You think we're like those dumb things you faced before? Well news flash, we're not and we actually are real people. Not the corpses you faced before." Kirishima was about to question this, but is thrown into Shiozaki before he could.

"Sorry about that."  He get's up and is nearly sliced to bits by Sakon. "Looks like this will be fun brother." Shiozaki tries to attack with her vines to miss by an inch. "That vine girl is gonna be a problem." Ukon came behind them with pulling his fist back. Before Shiozaki could think, he punches her into a tree and makes her spew blood. "SHOZAKI!" "Pay attention to the battle and not the dead weight!" Sakon slams Kirishima's head into the ground before getting cut by Shiozaki's vines. "Don't think you can underestimate us! We're stronger than you think we are!" Sakon takes a bit of the blood on his cheek to lick it. "Now you're dead girl."

Sakon came at Shiozaki with her trying to get back to her circle. He grabbed her arm however to slam her into a tree. Before she could react, he grabbed her leg to slam her into the ground before back into the tree to break it. The beast pulled Shiozaki up to it's face before smiling at her. "You seem to be pretty durable. Not bad." The thorn girl looked at Sakon in the face before spitting blood at him. "Your manners could use a little work though." The beast turned his fingers into daggers before piercing Shiozaki's stomach with them. "AHHH!" "Aww, looks like you heal too. This is just gonna get more painful for you."

Shiozaki didn't pay much attention to this and used a jutsu to aid her. "Ash Pile Burning!" The act put smoke in Sakon's eyes to have him drop her. She hides in the trees while her injuries heal with him shouting in anger. "YOU LITTLE BITCH! GET BACK HERE!" Shiozaki held her side while panting. 'That thing will be more trouble than I anticipated.' "Nnngh!" She held her side as it slowly closed. "This will be a problem going forward. I wish my power was on par with Mr. Hidan's. Maybe I could beat this person without difficulty then." She let out a deep sigh before pulling out a scroll holding a scythe in it. "Did not anticipate to use this until I finally completed the final step of my transformation. It would appear that is not the case anymore."

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