The Truth

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Few minutes before the attack Konan POV:

"Once I had went to their homes, I had found Ochako wrapped around Izuku like he was the most precious thing she could ever have." "Aww, isn't that adorable. Must be nice to be young and in love." I start to tell Nezu about some adorable stories about Izuku and Ochako when they were 6 after the incident with the news reporters had been dispersed. "So what happened after?" "I attempted to pull them apart for Ochako to only latch onto Izuku tighter. She even spoke in her sleep calling him hers." We start to laugh a bit at the image of them wrapped around each other sleeping soundly.

I start to get a call from Pain and answer my phone. "I'm sorry, one moment sir. Hello?" "Konan, theirs a problem." "And what might that be?" "Izuku and his class may be in danger." I hear this and create wings almost instantaneously. "Principal Nezu, get the staff together and head to the USJ right now. The lives of the students may be at risk." I do not wait for Nezu's answer and fly out his window in the direction of the USJ.

"Pain, are you still there?" "I am." "How do you know this?" "Our members had found some villains that said they were to be teleported there to kill All Might. I do not know how true this is, but I am heading to the entrance with Zetsu now to make certain." "Wait for me. I'll be there in a moment." I hang up and see Ida running as fast as he can. 'Izuku or Ochako must have told him to escape for help. Good thinking on their part. Please Izuku, just stay safe. I don't care how, just don't get hurt.'

Once I get to the front of the USJ, I am met by Pain and Zetsu. I immediately go to the door and place a paper bomb on it. Once it blows, the doors are blown off to show a giant beast about to attack Izuku. It stops while a man with hands looking at me. "Great , unwanted gamer's."  I felt an uncontrollable rage inside me when I saw this and desired nothing more than to make the monsters responsible for wanting to do harm to my son pay. "Just who the hell are you fools anyway?" I point my thumb at me and shout with all my might. "PISSED!"

I begin to walk down the steps with Ashido trying to walk towards us. "Hey, be care-" "Stay back Ashido. I don't think we should get in her way." Ochako holds Ashido back with a bit of fear in her eyes. "Konan, that thing with the brain showing was supposedly made to kill All Might. They called it a Nomu." I crack my knuckles and sadistically smile. "Good. If it was any weaker, it would be a waste of my efforts to make it feel all the pain I want to inflict on it." I take a scroll out and make my Akatsuki cloak come out. "You called this on yourself villain the second you came after children. Do not blame me for what happens next."

3rd person POV:

Orochimaru sees Konan pull her cloak out and holds an agitated look. "Dammit all." He takes a scroll out and uses it to bring his out. "You know there's going to be a lot of explaining to do after this, right Pain." "I am fully aware. But we will burn that bridge when we come to it." Pain, Zetsu, and Orochimaru join Konan down at the bottom of the stairs. "Mr. Zetsu, Mr. Pain, and Ms. Konan? What are they doing here?" Izuku comes out of his daze when he sees two bird creatures come at the creature known as Nomu. "Everyone get back!" Izuku grabs the tailed beasts and his two classmates before an explosion was made at the creature.

"Midoriya, what was that?" "Izuku my man, what's up?" Izuku looks over to find Deidara on a clay bird with Ojiro. "Do you have any idea how close that was Mr. Deidara!? You could've hurt someone!" "Relax, I was aware the entire time." He laughs it off with and is cut off by Nomu attacking and bringing down his art with them avoiding injury at the last second. "Damn this thing." "WOHOO!" Out of nowhere, Hidan comes out and slashes off one of the monsters arms with Bakugo and Kirishima behind him. "Guess it wasn't as tough as it loo-"

Hidan looks down to see a fist completely through his stomach and him coughing blood up. Everyone but the Akatsuki, Izuku, and Ochako look in horror until he shouts. "That hurts dammit!" 'He's alive!?' this was the thought going through many peoples minds as they see this. "Do you honestly wish to give children heart attacks?" A fist comes at the Nomu's face from what looked like it was on threads. The hand returns to it's owner to show it to be Kakazu with Tokoyami and Koda. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Big talk coming from Mr. Frankenstein."

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