Chasing Bells

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I honestly thought about it, and believed that the bell test had to be done in this. I thought this test was a cool way for the characters to get teamwork to play a part with them and see how this makes a difference to who works well together and who doesn't. For those that don't get this test, it is one where Jonin test their Genin by having them try and obtain one of two bells on them through teamwork. Obviously this test has a twist since it makes no sense. First is the quantity of bells. This is a way to test how well the three work as a team even though t seems like the odd man out will fail. The second is skill. Jonin are far stronger and skilled than Genin in every way. So the Jonin holds back just enough where none of them can pass if they don't work together. Anyway, here's the next chapter.

Izuku POV:

After classes today, we all decided to hang out in the common space. Kaachan was still very annoyed that he lost to me and Ocha today and made it known. "TODAY DOESN'T COUNT NERD! YOU AND THAT FLABBY BITCH OF YOURS ARE GONNA BE NOTHING MORE THAN A PEBBLE IN MY WALKWAY WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU!" He started to storm into the kitchen to get something to eat until everyone looked at us. "Is he always like this?" "Unfortunately." I wrap my arm around Ocha and smile at her. "You are in no way flabby to me." "I know, but I like hearing you say that." Our classmates looked at us and smiled a bit at our happy image. "That is so cute! Midori and Urara, sitting in a tree~." "Shut-it-now-or-feel-my-wrath. You stupid pink woman." We all glare at Kurama and give an annoyed stare. 'I hope the other tailed beasts aren't as sassy as you are.'

In that second, we hear the door open and Ms. Konan walks in. she looks at me and Ocha and starts to speak. "Tomorrow were training at our usual spot. Pain will meet us there." "Wait, you guys are trained by the new guidance councilor?" The redhead we know as Kirishima asked this in surprise. "Yup." "I'M COMING WITH YOU LOSERS TOMORROW!" 'And apparently he heard this.' "I don't know what kind of shitty training you both do, but I will prove I'm better than you both by wiping the floor with you!" "*sigh* Very well, would anyone else like to join in? It isn't mandatory." "I would like to know what Uraraka does as training," "Me to *ribbit*." "I'll come as well." "It's settled, meet us in Mustafar forest tomorrow morning and don't eat breakfast." Ms. Konan walks out with those words spoken to us.

The next day in Mustafar forest

After we all made our way to the forest, we started to wait for the next few minutes until Mr. Pain and Ms. Konan came. "It is good to see the both of you again." "Mr. Pain!" Me and Ocha immediately get up and greet our mentor. "How have you've been sir?" "Quite well, thank you for asking." We get back between Yaoyorozu and Todoroki for our training today to be explained. "Today you will be training as teams to capture one of two bells." 'Bells?' Mr. Pain and Ms. Konan hold up two sets of bells.

"The girls shall train with Konan and the boys shall be with me. Your objective is to try and get these by noon. If you don't, you all will be tied to those stumps behind you while we eat ours. You can come at us with anything and the intent to kill. Because if you don't, you won't get the bells." Yaoyorozu raises her hand in confusion. "But you both only have two bells. No matter what way it works, one person from both groups will be tied to the stumps." "Very perceptive, but that will be an issue you will find out later." "All girls come with me and we will begin." "All the boys follow me."

We start heading into the woods until we were a good distance away from where we were. "I believe this is far-" "DIIIEEEE!" Kaachan goes barreling at Mr. Pain who only catches him and holds a kunai to his neck. "Patience is a virtue. One must learn when to truly strike and see through deception of his enemies. Next time you wish to attack me, wait until I say start." He let's go of Kaachan and waits until he gets back by us. "Start." In an instant, he disappears and leaves nothing but smoke where he was. "Guys, we need to work together if we're going to-" SHUT THE HELL UP NERD! I DON'T NEED YOUR SHITTY HELP!" Kaachan walks away in an effort to find Mr. Pain. "I'm sorry Midoriya, but fighting side by side may not be the best thing with only two slots for three people to win." Todoroki walks away as well to leave me on my own. 'Something tells me this test is more than just grabbing those bells.'

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