08 Mcdonalds Fries

38 3 19

Rose POV:

I woke up the next morning, today being my day off so I don't have to worry about much. You know other then actually kissing Anthony.

So I went over to Bella's.

This is how it's going;

"Are you kidding? You KISSED?"

I nodded and sipped the water she gave me.

"Y'all fucking crazy. It's either going to end really good or really bad."

I shrugged, "I know. But what even is it, like what do I do?"

Bella sighs, "bitch I don't know, you were only supposed to get the bag, not get the bag and kiss him." She shakes her head and I chuckle.

"Welp, I don't know what to tell you, I mean you guys are pretty hot together."

I go to say something but she interrupts me.

"Speaking of, have you seen this?" Bella tosses me a magazine, which me and Anthony are on the front of.

It's a picture of me in the red dress from the first date, and him in his suit, my arms wrapped around his waist, and his arm loosely around my shoulder.

The title is "Rose's new man Anthony Smith, in love."

I roll my eyes at the love part.

Yeah right.

"That's not too bad, right?" Bella nods, "not bad, it's good actually."

I look down and my phone notifications go off, missed texts from Anthony.

"Hey can we talk?"

"I know it's your day off but I miss you :-("

I raise a brow.

"Bella look." I show her my phone and her facial expression changed from intrigued to confused.

"Why is he texting you 'can we talk' he sounds stupid, does he not know what that means to a girl." Bella shakes her head.

"I don't know, maybe something happened. Don't worry about it too much." Bella pats my shoulder before sitting beside me.

"So, was he a good kisser?"

I chuckle and begin to tell her.


I left Bella's house later that night around 10, and went back to the penthouse, sometimes I still get shocked about how nice it is to be able to stay here.

I walk inside the room to see everyone sitting at a table, they didn't notice I was there but I could tell they were talking about something serious.

I hid behind a wall and listened in.

"Anthony, you need to stop acting like this. We never know where you are!"

Stuff like that continued to be said, and I could hear Anthony trying to defend himself, but his parents had points proven that even Anthony couldn't deny.

"You know what. Maybe if I didn't have to do this shitty job, I would actually come home." Anthony yelled, then slammed something down and walked out the door.

"Maybe this was a bad idea." I hear Mrs. Smith talk to her husband.

The only shitty job they could be talking about, is the one with you involved.

I shake off the thoughts, and decide to follow Anthony outside.

I quietly leave the building before taking the stairs down, it's faster then the elevator right now.

I open the door to the main lobby and see Anthony talk to the bodyguard he hired for me, before exiting.

I quickly walk into the lobby before hiding behind a big family exiting to get out.

I turn to see if my bodyguard saw me, which he did.
But instead he just winked at me and nodded in Anthony's direction.

I mouth him a 'thank you.' Which he nods in response too, and I go to find Anthony.

Anthony is walking slowly, which I eventually get about one person behind him.

I decide I want to be in front of Anthony to get his attention, and not just randomly walk up on him.

I cut in front of the guy behind Anthony, and then walk in front of Anthony.

"Rose?" I hear his voice behind me, but I keep looking forward.

I feel an arm grab me and turn me around, which I see is  Anthony.

Yes mission successful.

"Oh hey! What are you doing?" I play it off acting like I don't know what just happened.

"I'm just, you know, going for a walk. Care to join me?"

I smile and nod in response.


Me and Anthony were walking for awhile, so we stopped at McDonald's to get some fries. We unlinked hands and separated, me going to get a table and him going to order.

I didn't even realize we were holding hands.

I fight the urge to smile, but it consumes me. So I sat there smiling at the ground, looking really stupid and well, crazy too.

Anthony walks over, and gives me a funny look. "What are you smiling at." I look up at him and shake my head, "nothing." But really, I was smiling about how he made me feel.

"Okay then." Anthony chuckles and sets the food tray down.

"So I got your texts this morning. What did you want to talk about?" Anthony nods in response.

"I just wanted to talk to you about last night." I go to say something but Anthony hushes me.

"I just want to know if you feel the same. This whole fake thing isn't starting to feel so fake anymore."

Wow I wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah, I agree."

"You make me happy Rose, your smile, your attitude, the way you get things about me that nobody else does. Like the other day when you watched my favorite show with me, or how we share the same music taste."

I feel my smile getting bigger, and I feel my heart beat get faster.

"I just don't want everything I do with you to be because of this job, I want it to be real."

Now if this was two years ago, I would question everything he just said and come to the conclusion that I am indeed getting played.

But since this isn't two years ago at the party, or walking to my car at lunch. I say, "I agree, I feel the same."

Anthony smiles, "so what do you say about making this real?"

I smile back, "I would say it's the greatest idea ever."

We both laugh.

"So girlfriend, how's your French fries?"

"Pretty good." I take another one and dip into ketchup before looking back at Anthony to see him smiling back at me.


We left the McDonald's about an hour ago, we came back to the penthouse and decided to cuddle and watch some movies.

All night I was wondering if maybe this is a bad idea, maybe it's not worth it.

But then I realized he confessed how he felt in a McDonald's and I feel better.

No I'm just kidding, but I think about how happy he makes me, and that if I'm going to spend all this time with him, I can't ignore the feelings forever.

I mean what's the worst that could happen?


Hope you guys enjoyed, it was kinda boring but lol.

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