13 Stephan

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Stephans POV:

I liked the way she looked in that red dress, the way her hair fell behind her, and the way she walked around clueless.

She really did have no idea, I guess boss was right that this would be easy.

What made this easier is I practically knew the owners of this place so a run-in to Rose wouldn't be hard, especially since I paid to sit next to her anyway.

She was pretty, don't get me wrong, but what made her ugly was the men she was with.

I was quite fond of Rose, I liked how she danced to her favorite song two weeks ago, or how she would walk home from school and run up the stairs to the fridge once she got home.

Poor girl, was left alone so much after what her own dad did to her, in fact, I remember being there to help.

I sighed, what a sight.

Such a shame I had to look after her.

I think that's what made her so interesting, was the fake façade she put up all the time.

When I walked out of the room after leaving the mess me and my buddy left behind tonight, I should have felt bad for what I did to Rose, but I didn't. It was just a friendly reminder to spark her memory.


Rose POV:

I knew exactly what had happened.

Do I want to believe that it actually happened? No.

But did it? Yes.

My heart hurts, I haven't cried, all I did was eat.

I'm on the couch at Bella's place, eating Rocky Road ice cream.

Bella's staring at me in shock, I think she expected me to be a little more, well, upset.

I am, it hurt me. I miss my father and I hate the memories of why everything happened the way it did that night.

But what my dad always told me was to always watch my back, and always expect the unexpected.

Tonight really proved his words.

"Okay Rose, you are starting to freak me out a bit, can you just say something?" Bella looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine. It was just a picture."

Bella's eyes go wide. "Oh hell no. Your joking?"

I shook my head and she screamed and put her hand up to my temple, checking my temperature.

"What are you doing?"

"Maybe you're just in shock, it's okay shh, go sleepy." She tries to push my shoulders down, while pulling a blanket over me.

"Bella! I'm fine." Bella stops and sits down next to me.

"Girl, but tonight was-"

"Terrible? Sad? Embarrassing? Yes, I know." Bella purses her lips.

"Well I wasn't going to put it that way... but your words not mine." She looks to the side and holds her arms up in surrender.

I shrug, "I'm just not that upset. Mainly because I know it's all way to coincidental, I'm just very confused."

"Rose, what if they're coming back." Bella's eyes flashed with fear.

My heart dropped.

"What if they're coming back for you?"

My heart stopped beating and I nodded.

"They are."

That's why Stephan was here.

He knew about my father, he told me he didn't forget.

But what did he not forget? I haven't met him before.

Or have I?

I can't remember.

"I've never seen Stephan before until I went on my run Bella."

Bella and me were quiet for a moment, until she spoke up.

"But Rose?" I nodded.

"You know how you escaped when you were kidnapped?"

"Yes, when the night my dad was killed, I finally got out."

Bella nodded, but she was shaky.

"Did anyone, I don't know.." She paused but I motioned her to go on.

"Help you escape?" My heart sank.

"Stephan." I whispered.

When I broke out of that disgusting place, I was obviously a mess. I ran a few miles until I met an open road.

I hitchhiked. It was my only hope.

I was in the middle of no where.

"When I hitchhiked, It must've been him in the car. But I would've recognized the tattoo."

Bella shrugged, "Maybe he didn't have it then."

"Bella what do we do?" I wasn't scared anymore, I was tired of being afraid, and constantly looking over my shoulder.

Bella laughed, "We? You mean you?"

I threw a pillow at her, "You know you're involved in this too!"

Bella chuckled, "Hey I only did one thing!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I'm just playing with you Rose, of course I'll help you. It's you and me until we die."

I smiled knowing how true it is.

"Hey Burger King break?" I nodded and we got up and headed out.


We just got our Whopper Jr's and shakes, and now we're driving back to her house.

Hannah Montana "See You Again" came on.

Me and Bella shared a look before smiling and turning up the radio.

We were screaming the lyrics and giggling.

We pull into Bella's driveway, I was looking at all the big houses.

I just thought of my house, my mom and brother. It's been so long since I've last talked to them or seen them since this whole thing happened.

But it's not like it would matter, they have my number, they could text me.

I shook off the thoughts, and Bella pulled into her driveway.

We got out of the car holding out Burger King bags.

"Hey Rose, I know what we can do."

I raised a brow.

"What's that?" Bella shrugged but smiled, walking up to the front door.

"We can find Stephan."  This was a good idea.

"Well love, I'm afraid that won't be an issue." A deep voice from behind us spoke up.

Me and Bella quickly turned around to see Stephan, running his hands through his hair, smirking at us.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Miss me?"


A/N: hope u guys enjoyed ;) periodt.

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