Entry Number 8

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Sans and Frisk would stand by each other in the Battle chamber of the lab as various objects of different length and weight would be spread across the room. Sans's eye would glow a brilliant yellow blue as he tried to pick up the objects with his mind. It didn't work. Frisk sighed. "This is going nowhere.... maybe... maybe it only works on human souls." She thought aloud as Sans got what she was saying. "Ok if you say so." He then used his Telekinesis to pick her up off the ground. Frisk quickly took notes and recorded all the information she found necessary. "Excellent work. You've come far in your progress, pretty soon this won't take as much energy." She praised him before being set on the ground. Sans looked at her Log. "Who are you sending those to?" He said casually putting his hands in his pockets. "The high court. They will then be processed and sent to the high 7. Where they can observe your progress until this project is complete." She said simply. "What they do when I send you to them isn't my business." Sans sighed. He didn't know what to say. "So when I'm deemed adequate they'll take me away?... Heh Heh." He laughed despite himself. "I'm defective aren't I? My old memories and programming was wiped. Why the hell would they want me now?" He shook his head. Frisk frowned. "We shall See won't we?"

Months would pass by as the two slowly became used to each other's company. As Sans improved so did Frisk's mood towards him. Frisk knew he'd leave once this project was done. But she found herself not liking the idea. She told herself she was being foolish. But then before she knew it Sans was back to working order. The day had come. They were in the dressing room of the lab. Frisk had on a brilliant red dress and tied her hair back into a elegant pony tail. Sans wore his normal clothes. Frisk looked at him "Today we are going to the high court. They will judge your progress and see whether or not you can be deemed fit to serve... this may be the last time I see you." She said with a frown. Sans smiled, "Don't worry Doc, I'm sure we'll meet again." His eyes were light yet his smile was forced. They walked out of the lab and into the city taking the hover-train to the center of town. And thus there it was, the giant obsidian black tower stretching towards the sky, the high court. They were escorted to the elevators of the building by three U.n.d.y.n.e. Robot guards. Once inside the elevator frisk shivered nervously. She never liked being under their microscope for long periods of time.

Here they were. Frisk and her Creation Sans. They walked down the Hall slowly. It was pure glowing white with large glass windows showing the city around them. White pillars of beautiful design stood solemnly by their side. This was it, the judgement hall. At the end of the hall sat seven seats, each with a robot given the appearance of a human, they each had their attributive color schemes, purple, yellow, green, pink. As they approached they'd notice a crowd of senators and representatives sitting in stand at their sides. The High Judge in the middle of them all. The yellow one spoke in a deep demanding voice. "Step forward Child." It spoke eyeing her "Show us what you've created." Frisk motioned for Sans to step forward. Reluctantly he did, His eyes were a brilliant white as usual yet his smile wasn't as wide. He stared up at them. Patience the dark blue Judge stared down coldly. "You've repaired one of my old models, why exactly? I scrapped them all for a newer model for a reason." She said bitterly. Frisk began to explain. "The purpose of my experiment was to prove that old models could still be of use to us even today. His combat capabilities are off the charts, please allow us to show you." The judges looked skeptical before nodding and a battle droid would appear out of the ground and poised to attack. The droid charged Sans yet he smiled and dodged using his Telekinesis to throw it against one of the pillars. The robot became a bit damaged trying to get to after the attack but Sans didn't give it the chance before destroying it with a blaster. The judges were impressed. "Excellent work Dr. Frisk." The Yellow one spoke. "We are impressed with your work ethic. We shall take him off your hands." They all clapped twice and a few robots grabbed Sans's arms and took him away. Frisk sighed, despite this she still was slightly sad to see him go. Perhaps they'd put him to good use, this gave her a little comfort.

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