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Your POV:

"And again."

I pushed on the rumble and tried to wiggle free.

"COME ON Y/N!" I felt my leg come free and I was out. "Good. Can you walk?"

"It hurts but I'll be fine."

He nodded. "We need something to wrap up your side."

I looked towards Acosta's hand. "He had bandages on him. Not a lot. Not enough to save him."

"This is war, Y/N. People die."

"I know. But he was my responsibility." I searched for his backpack and took out the small roll of bandages and wrapped it around my side. I looked down at his hand. 

"You see my wife. You tell her I tried real hard to come back ok?"

I looked down and started to uncover his body. 

"Y/N we need to move."

"Give me a second!" I continued to unbury him. "Damn even dead you're a pain in my ass."

I heard him scoff and found Acosta's dog tags. "I'm gonna find your wife man. I'm gonna be there for her. You have my word." I took the second tag and started to walk with my father. 

Mal's POV:

"It's been 5 days since the attack in Afganistan. Many of the men and women killed are starting to be identified. There are still a few injured and many more still missing." 

I looked down and closed my eyes.

"Anything yet?" I looked at up Lindsey.

"No. Not yet."

"They'll find her." 

"That's what I keep telling myself." I smiled. "I just wonder what she's doing right now."

"Probably cursing at someone." Sonnett sat down. "Knowing how she is." I laughed.

Your POV:

"YOU WERE THE WORST FUCKING FATHER IN THE HISTORY OF FATHERS! AND NOW!! I'm HERE! Dying in Afganistan! And YOU'RE the weird ghost spirit guide person thing that comes to save me!? FUCK THIS!" 

"Are you done?"

"NO I'M NOT FUCKING DONE! FUCK YOU! I'd rather be dead than be stuck with you. Dead or alive you, they both suck!"

"I don't know why I'm here. But I am. I might have been the worst father in the history of fathers,"

"There was a fuck in there."

"But I've seen you. You read that letter from Mal during all your free time since the minute it arrived. You think about her 24/7 and I guarantee you your last thought before you die, whenever that may be, will be of her. Did you really think I was just gonna let you die in that hole when she's waiting for you? I'm an asshole, but I'm not THAT much of one."

"Why? Why do you suddenly care."

"I almost died in the war, Y/N. I know you know this. I was bleeding out and all I thought of was your mother. How I wanted nothing more than to see her one last time. And as I was close to the end, I just felt a second life and next thing you know I'm rescued."

"Wow, I didn't know you loved her so much. What happened?"

"Fighting here." He looks around. "It changes you. You become someone else. Someone who's mind becomes filled with death and pain. When you get home, don't be afraid to get help. If not for yourself then for Mal and your friends."

"Why did you get help?"

"I was raised that getting help, especially as a man made you weak. I thought that I was strong enough to get through it. I wasn't. The person I became here, didn't go away. Didn't become a part of me either. It became all of me. If I could go back, I'd get the help I needed. But I, unfortunately, started digging my own grave the minute I got back on US soil." 

We both heard voices in the distance. "We gotta move." I said.

"Yeah. Your gun is over there. Grab it and run."

Worlds Apart (Sequel to Different Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now