Can't Leave

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I have two job offers one place is less money so that's obviously a NO but the other place is 50 cents more than what I currently make but I don't want to be the position they want to hire me for... I'm too young to be this stressed. 

Mal's POV:

"When I started dating Dylan, he hadn't enlisted yet. We met in high school, started dating our senior year. He enlisted after we graduated from college. He proposed to me when we were seniors in college when he told me he enlisted I wanted to call it off. I didn't want to be an army wife. The constant fear, the not knowing, the worry? I didn't want that. But then I looked at him." 

I looked towards the car. 

"I said I love that man. If I leave him for his career choices then I'm an idiot. He enlisted, we got married a few months later, I found out I was pregnant with Jacob and before Jake turned 2 Dylan got deployed."

I thought about Y/N.

"I was full of all that fear and worry and on top of that, I had a child to care for. There was a period during his first deployment where he didn't respond for a while. Everyone tried to tell me, he's far away maybe it's taking longer, maybe there was a mix-up. When he came home he told me what happened. He was out on a walk with a few other men. They were ambushed and pinned down for 2 days before they were able to get help. I was so close to losing him and had no idea."

"That must've been difficult."

"It was. But this moment now? Knowing? It's worse. I wish I could go back to not knowing because then there would be a little hope that he's coming back."

"I'm so sorry, Sarah."

"She blames herself for it. The fight there is a big fight. But the fight when they come home? That's the biggest one. Especially when they lose people. You can't leave her."

"I don't plan on it. I'm with her for however long this road is, and even after. She's the love of my life. I just got her back I don't plan on losing her again."

"Good." She smiled. "She's a good one. And I know that Dylan wouldn't want her to beat herself up about this. She did all she could. He knew the risks. All 3 of them did. Sometimes everyone makes it home. Sometimes a few don't."

"I wish he could've. I would've liked to meet him. Everything Y/N told me about him. Hear you and Jacob talk about him. He sounds like a true hero."

"He was."

"He still is." I said. "He'll always be a hero. We'll make sure everyone knows it. Anything you need. Just 1 phone call away." 

Your POV:

"Everything ok?" I asked Mal when she got back in the car.

"Yeah." She smiled. "I love you."

"I know. I love you too." 

"Let's go home."

"Yes please." 

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