The World

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Mal's POV:

We waited outside the room. Everyone sat and waited.

I couldn't sit. 

Not now.

The door opened and the doctor walked out. "There are still remaining pieces of shrapnel. Surgery is a risk, but leaving them could be a greater risk. You are her next of kin. It's your call."

I turned to Christen and Kelley. 

"She left all medical decisions to be made by Oliver." 

"For the first deployment. This deployment was last minute and after your engagement, she put you as her next of kin. She told me about it." He smiled. "Said she even though you aren't married yet, you are her wife. She trusts you to make the right decisions. If you don't want to we can call Captain Alsonso."

"Which is the safe option?"

"If we don't take them out now we'll have to do it sooner."

"Do the surgery. Help her so that she CAN be my wife."

"Right away, Ms. Pugh. Prep Corporal L/N for surgery." He walked away. 

Your POV:

I opened my eyes and looked around. "What happened?"

"You had some shrapnel. We had to remove it."

"Shit." They laughed. "Did you get it all?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Really? So I can't build an arc reactor and become Iron Man?" 

"You can try that, Corporal. However, we don't think your wife would like that."

"I am not being your Pepper Potts." Mal crossed her arms. 

"Good thing I have Natasha Romanoff." I looked at Kelley.

"Oh hell no! You ain't throwing me off a cliff."

"You threw yourself." Christen whispered.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Kelley looked down.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I could run a marathon." I smiled. "But that would require, running." I trailed off.

Everyone laughed.

"I actually feel a lot better." 

Mal walked over and grabbed my hand. "You look a little better too."

"Oh wow love you too." 

"You scared us." Christen said. 

"Yeah, can you knock that off?"

"Shut up Natasha." I winked.

"Do whatever you want. As long as you continue to live." 

"Jenni is the only one here who is nice to me." Mal rolled her eyes.

"Well damn, why don't you marry her then?"

"Alexia scares me." 

"Alexia scares everyone." Jenni put her hands in her pockets. "That's why I stay with her. No one bothers me." 

"You're both invited to the wedding. Hell, bring your whole team if you want." I closed my eyes. "I'm alive and gonna marry the love of my life. Invite the world so they can be jealous."

Shortish update. I'll try to write more tonight or tomorrow. Work is just mentally and physically draining me. 

Worlds Apart (Sequel to Different Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now