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Mal's POV:

"You're gonna what?" 

"Remove the tube." The doctor repeated. "She's getting stronger every day, Ms. Pugh. This is the next step."

"Fine." I sighed. 

"It's not your call." He said. "It's Captain Alonso's." I looked towards Oliver.

"Y/N's mom called the day after she was deployed. Y/N wanted me in charge of her medical care if something like this were to happen. She didn't want all this to be placed on you."

"I get it."

"You know I wouldn't make any decisions without talking to you first right? I love her too Mal that's my family. I can't make choices like that alone. Luckily we don't have too."

"So. The tubes?"

"Let's remove them."

They removed everything that was helping her breathe and sure enough, she didn't need them.

She was breathing on her own.

"Now you just need to wake up." I whispered to her. 

Your POV:

My throat is scratchy. I need water. And my head is pounding. 

I opened my eyes and looked around. 


The lights are off. Thank god.

I heard beeping and felt something in my lap. 

Mal. I smiled and started to play with her hair. 

Mal's POV:

I felt someone playing with my hair. "Mom stop." I mumbled.

"Stop what?" My mom asked walking through the door.

"Wait." I said. The hand stopped and I sat up. "Y/N." I jumped out of my chair.

"Yes?" She answered. Her voice was raspy.

"You're awake."

"Yeah, I am. Can I have some water?"

"Of course sweetie." My mom went to the other table and got her some water. Y/N drank it. "I'll go get Oliver and the doctor."

"Thanks." Y/N sighed when she finished the water. 

"How do you feel?"

"Like I'm in the hospital." She smirked. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Holy shit she lives!" Oliver walked in. We both laughed. "Thank god you're alive I was too stressed about being in charge of your life."

"Well, you saved it so I owe you."

"I was doing my job, Y/N."

"Yeah but I know they probably didn't want you on the trip cause we're family and you argued and went anyway."

"Ok true but," Y/N laughed. "don't scare me like that again. I'd like to see a few more birthdays."

The doctor finished checking everything and looked at Y/N. "How do you feel?"

"A little sore but good. How bad was it?"

"Let's just say this conversation right now is a miracle."

"Guess I just wasn't ready to be done with this whole life thing yet." She smiled. "Not when I promised someone I'd come home." She grabbed my hand. "Speaking on home when can I leave?"

"There she is." I laughed.

"We'll continue you to monitor you for another day or two then we'll start getting you ready for transport." Can you tell me what year it is?"

"2013." She said. We all froze. "I'm just messing with you guys it's 2020. It is still 2020 right or have I been out for a year?"

"It is 2020. This is great progress, Y/N." He started to leave.

"Sir?" The doctor turned around. "Um, who do I see about starting therapy or something?" 

"I'll make a few calls. We'll get you through this Lance Corporal. Don't worry." She nodded. 

"Where's my stuff?" She asked Oliver.

"Over there." He walked over and grabbed her bag. "I think I know what you're looking for." He opened and zipper and handed her something.

"I have to find his wife." She said when she looked at the dog tag. 

"We contacted her. She knows that he didn't make it. Marshal's parents know too." 

"When I get out of here, I need to go see them."

"Whatever you want." 

She nodded. "Well?" She said turning to me. "How were the Olympics?"

Worlds Apart (Sequel to Different Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now