Part 3: YOUR LIE

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Part 3: Your Lie

Song recommendation for this episode is Friend A from Your Lie in April (Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso" ˡᶦˢᵗᵉⁿ ᵒⁿ ˡᵒᵒᵖ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦˡˡ hehe

"Wooyoung I miss-"

"Let's break up"



      People say your body freezes when you don't know what to do.

     "Should I fight this?"...     

     "Should I just run away?"

     When he said those words... You just froze.

     Unable to take another step

     "How do I react?" You think.

     Think, and there is nothing.

     Your mind is empty, exhausted and deluded.

     Legs giving out, your body crumbles onto the ground as you sit on the pavement of the building, your knees nearly touching your chest.

     Your mind completely disregards the sound of the door behind, opening and closing.

     You finally find the strength to say the words lingering at the tip of your tongue.     

     "What do you mean you want to break up?"    


     "Why now?"    

     "Just tell me what is going on, we can figure this out together."

Silence... Stillness.

     You can hear Wooyoung's breath. You can hear his longing sighs. His voice stutterers to break this ominous silence. You could finally hear his voice loud and clear.

    "I think you already know y/n." His voice almost sounds drunk.

     "There is nothing to figure out." Has he been crying?

     "I don't know what you are talking about." You respond.

     "Wooyoung please..."

     "Please... can you just wait until I reach Korea?"

     "I'm going to book the first flight tomorrow"

     "Just hold on one more day"

     "Please," You sounded hopeless and desperate.

     The silence of the surrounding created goosebumps all over your exposed skin. The cold freezing winds making you sink into your own body. You are sniffing, your breath is shivering, and it is not because of the freezing winds. In the verge of tears, a lump in your throat. Your heart is beating fast to the point you almost want to throw up at the thought of being without him.

     You could hear footsteps behind you. You could see in the corner of your eyes, a tall shadow of a person. At this moment, you didn't care. Nothing matters as the only beautiful thing in your life slips away from your fingertips.

     The tall figure gently walked to the side of you and stopped at the edge of the pavement. You didn't look up at his face. You thought it was just a person coming out to get a breath of "fresh" air, a break from the chaos that is inside. Air that has now been polluted by the thoughts in your mind. He sat down beside you in a peaceful manner. Oddly enough, you weren't scared of the stranger sitting beside you. All you could think about was Wooyoung.

     Though it felt familiar.

     You were now curious, this stranger that carries a homely scent, an intimate familiarity. You lookup slowly... Upon his direction... All the while holding Wooyoung on the other side of the phone... You look.

     He was looking at the distant empty roads across the parking lot. Your eyes grew wider.

     It's Seonghwa... Park Seonghwa!

     At that instant, Wooyoung's voice echoed through and out of the space enclosing you.

    "Fine!, I cheated on you!"

      You heard Wooyoung's reckless voice breaking the silence, as you stared into Seonghwa's eyes.

     You can't believe your ears. Your heart is beating so fast. To the point, you almost want to throw up at the thought of him being with someone else. All the moments you both shared, gone in a fleeting minute. All the feelings of love and devotion suppressed deep inside your mind.

     You can't believe your eyes; the person that sits beside you at this moment. The person you missed for the longest time, and the person you hated the most. Now knows your most vulnerable secret.

     You are looking at his face, but you're not looking at him. Your mind wanders into a place no one wants to be in.

     "I cheated on you. Is that what you want to hear?"

     You are still looking up at Seonghwa's direction. There is no doubt he can hear Wooyoung's voice coming through the phone in this heart wrenching silence.

     "This is it," you thought. You were never gonna see Wooyoung again. He dares to break up with you over a phone call. End it all, after being together for two years.

     Alone, you still loved him. All the feelings were suppressed. Yet they were still there.

     All of this is happening so fucking fast. But, It felt like forever.

     You still couldn't say a word to Wooyoung.

     Words are coming out of your mouth but your voice doesn't make any sound. Your heart is shattered into dust. The street lights flickering and glistering in your teary eyes.

     Wooyoung continues, sounding spiteful than he's ever been.

     "Did you really think you were the only person I was with? Oh y/n you are too naive"

     "This is not him," You thought, while saying nothing and nothing at all. You continued to listen to him, step on what's left of your heart.

     "y/n, Did you honestly think I love-"

     Seonghwa grasped the phone out of your hand and hung up. He latched on to the phone while keeping his head down.

     Not once, ever since he sat down beside you, did he look at your face.

     You looked at him. Then you gazed up into the distance.

There was silence yet again.

The deafening silence.

The silence that you loathed more than anything.

Part 4

To be continued~~

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