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You hated "Time"...

Life happens... Time goes on without a care for your emotions, without a care for anyone's feelings.

Time, the passage that left you behind at the peak of your teenage years.

It felt good at times but just some days, you could feel it. Feel the emptiness lingering at the back of your mind.

But now, you needed time. More than anything, you needed time to think about what had just happened today.


The memories of the early teenage years reeled in your thoughts. All the while, your head was buried in his chest.

He no longer belongs to you. You... are not his anymore.

You're not anyone's... anymore, and these thoughts frightened you.

His embrace comforted you while you melted away at his warmth. It distracted you from breaking apart this endearing connection.

As the night went by, you finally gathered the courage to pull away from him.

You're not crying anymore, although your face was now swollen, red and soaked with fallen tears. You noticed his soaked shirt as you bring your arms up to dry your face. You glanced at his face with an apologetic smile.

"Are you okay?" Seonghwa glanced at you, only to look away at the distant roads.

A bitter laugh escaped your mouth... "I'm not okay,"  you sighed.

"My boyfriend... just broke up with me," You say while staring into the night sky.

"I know. I...heard", Seonghwa stuttered.

"Your boyfriend sounds like a jerk", He spoke again, knowing full well, that it was Wooyoung. His old friend.

Hearing him say that angered you.

Wooyoung stuck by you during your worst times. He made you laugh with his whole being. He was there for you... He took care of you, and you did the same.

"He was there for me", You think. The person who called you today wasn't him. You were still in denial. After all the things that happened, you still couldn't shake away the pieces of hearts you left with him. The feelings you left with him when you kissed him goodbye at the airport.

"It's Wooyoung...don't you remember? You were friends with him in high school"

Although you knew... that he knew.

"And you don't know anything about him," You said, irritated by his words.

He did... probably more than you ever knew about Wooyoung.

Your thoughts yell at him... "HE was there for me when YOU weren't!"

He doesn't get to say those things when he was the one that left you.

Maybe saying "sorry" doesn't make it all okay. Maybe it didn't matter to Seonghwa if he said goodbye that day or not.

Maybe...he didn't see you the same way, you looked at him.

All your pent up anger started pouring out of your body. But you were stern.

You stood up... looking forward, steadily. Head held up high with all the force you could muster.

Is it time?

Is it time to finally confront him?

there was that helpless silence again.


The concert ended a long time ago. The fans must have left the venue.

you looked at your phone to see a text from Ji Yeon.

"I'll be waiting in the car if you need me"

You walked forward. Not having the guts to face him, you started to speak, facing your back at him...

Thinking that this, would be the last time.

The last time you will ever speak to him.

The last time he will ever hear your voice.

"You know what? ... You could have at least told me why"

"Why you had to leave like that," Your voice trembled at the thought of confrontation.

"You could have at least-"

"I did..."

Seonghwa cut you off.

You didn't turn to look at him, but your face, confused and baffled at his statement.

"My letter... I wrote you a letter" You could hear the disbelief in his voice as he recalls the day he left.

"Seonghwa...What are you talking about?" You ask while your eyebrows narrow in doubt.

"The letter... It was so sudden... they gave me such a short time to decide and leave the city... I didn't even get much time to say goodbye to my friends... And you" He continued.

"I didn't want to text or call you and leave suddenly, so... I wrote you a letter"

You could not believe what was coming out of his mouth. your mind was unstabe at his excuses.

"He can't possibly be serious right now...What letter?" you think as you hear Seonghwas muffled voice described what happened that day.

You took a step forward and started to walk away.

"I wrote it and gave it to Wooy-"

You hear Seonghwa stop himself as the realization hits both of you.

You were no longer walking away.

You froze.

You could hear, the sound of wind brushing through the tree branches in this Midsummer night.

The whole world stopped and Time stood still. For the first time in your life, time was no longer passing you by. It stood still, and waited... for you to get on the passage that once left you behind.

For the first time, a piece fell perfectly into your puzzling life.

It fell into the perfect place while all the others blew in the wind...

To be continued~

Part 7

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