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Finaly Los Catos

Los Catos was capital of Cat-kin and their variety. In this city live over 7 million people, there is over 2,5 million soldiers who protect the City and it's inhabitants. Los Catos is ruled by The King Lo Sanos and Queen Sekre.

Bri couldn't believe that she finally is here. She heard a lot about this place from their unique buildings to their magic, what food they make and their art.

Bri didn't know why but Ankhseram send me a vision to come here. He wanted to her meet with the King and the Queen. Why she didn't know but this place sure is beautiful.

Bri was walking in the main Street looking at the occupants of the city.
She saw Cat-kin their more human and more cat versions. This with more human look they are taller then typical people the smallest is 1.8 metre, the biggest 2.5 metres tall with a men with a women they usually 1.7 to 1.8 metre tall. They have signature cat ears, tail and eyes.
Men has more muscular build but that doesn't mean that they have worse agility, and women has more lean build but their still strong but not that like with a men. Now about their more cat version. They look like cats but they walk on the two...paws(?), They are the same hight around 1 metre but that adults. Bri saw few warriors but they wear less armour because it would be a problem for their agility.

Before Bri knew she stood before gate for a castle. She saw a guard who walked to her possibly asking for a question.

Guard: Something is wrong Miss?
Bri: I wanted to please for a audience with The King and The Queen.
Guard: Why you want a audience with the King and the Queen?

Bri: I don't know why because God Ankhseram sent me here.
Guard looked suprised
Guard: Are your name is Bri The Queen of Dragons?
Bri: How do you know?
Guard: It's not the time come with me

Few minutes later

Bri stood in the throne room in front of 2 people. First is a man who has hight 2.4 metres high, he has long black hair and short beard, he is in the golden armour. What Bri saw that his eyes has golden colour but they hold power and wisdom of the king. Next to the man stood women 1.8 metres hight she is wearing black dress  she has very long brown hair and purple eyes, what more interesting is that she has 2 tails not one, what Bri finded scary is that She has 100 times more powerful than her and air is thick from her magic.

The King: I see That is you that our God sent here.
Bri: What do you mean King?
The Queen: You see Bri, our son has a vision sented by God Ankhseram that he sent somebody. Why is that we don't know
Bri: I have a question My Majesty
The Queen: What is it that question?

Bri: Where is you son?
Before Queen could respond they heard that Door to the throne room open and men went inside. He stood 2.2 metres high, he has brown hair and purple eyes that was holding joy and power.
What maked Bri blush was that this person only wear black pants, on his right arm is part of the golden armour with clawed hand, on his back is double side axe (Similar to Lo pho Axe but double side axe) and in his left hand he hold Black staff with Book on top, Bri could feel death magic from it, besides that he have his chest left open and Bri could see his muscles.

???: I believe you are Bri Queen of Dragons
Bri: Yes I am and who you are

When man came close to her he looks directly in the eyes with smirk on his face.

Xylo: My name is Xylo Champion of Ankhseram and Prince of Los Catos

Bri:'why do I smell roast chicken from him'

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