//~planning a visit~\\

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Due to it already being the next day, Philip headed to the door so he could go downstairs and either eat or chat. That's basically what was on his mind.
What was annoying however, was the fact that he couldn't keep his balance that well while standing
Often stumbling at times.
After several attempts, he gave up
He scrambled his way back on to the comfy bed
And tried to stay chill
He pulled out his phone that was in his pocket the entire night that he tried to "sleep" through
First thing he saw was
Notifications. A whole bunch of dang notifs.
What a nice was to wake up eh?
Anyways, while scrolling through a hell of a lot of notifs, he found something that caught his eye
It was a message from...America?
He pressed the notification, unlocked his phone to see what's up with this message...
As soon as philip saw what Ame said, it kinda shocked him

"Heya phil, sorry for messaging you at like what, 4 A.M.?
Anyway back to what I was supposed to say
So I just wanted to say that, spain is in the hospital
And I was guessing we could pay him a visit?
I mean, yeah I hate that annoying European country
But for some reason I have a weird sense of pity on him...
Tell me what your decision is
I'll be waiting"

Wow Ame caring for Spain? He would nEvEr-
Ok back to the story
Yes, Philip was pretty surprised with this
Spain reminded him of his dark past so that was disturbing
But nevertheless, he decided to go
He already forgave Spain
Why not show that he actually still cares right?-

Philip decided to go downstairs and see if the other 2 were awake so he could ask them if he could go out and pay spain a visit.
But wait
He remembered
He couldn't keep his balance

He slapped his own face, thinking he was absolutely stupid at the moment. What a shame. He sighed and just stared towards the ceiling, forgetting to reply back to America's weird message. He soon drifted into another deep sleep, making him forget about all his slightly terrible problems. Poor boy...

"Have seen phil acting...differently...?"

Meanwhile downstairs, The other 2 southeast Asian countries, who were Indo and Malay, decided to sit on the couch that Indo unfortunately fell off of the previous day. It kinda annoyed him being on that couch again but soon got over it and felt more comfortable sitting there. Malaysia asked the Indonesian in a quiet tone of voice, it was the start of the day and Malay didn't want any commotion so early in the morning. Indo looked at the other slightly confused, tilting his head while thinking about what Malay just said. Malay sighed and replied back to the other

"I mean, did you not hear him shout last night?-"

"Wait so he was the one who shouted? I thought it just came from outside..."

The last part of Indo's response slowly became into a yawn. Malay would every now and then snap his fingers just so he could think about the situation properly, which at times would cause the other country who was sitting right next to him to flinch. Indo rubbed his eye and mentioned something

"Well I did see him just standing on the stairs. Not moving at all..."

"Huh...weird...I guess we'll just ask him what's wrong later...I mean if there are any problems"

Indo quietly agreed to this, giving Malay a little nod. They remained silent for the next few minutes. Malay turned to see if indo was still a wake and what do ya know, he already fell asleep. Malay silently laughed at this and slowly fell asleep as well.

Back upstairs, Philip woke up, eager to see if he could stand properly. He attempted and he had a grin on his face. He could stand without losing balance! He guessed going to bed did help him this time. He started fixing up the bed and suddenly remembered that he forgot to reply to America's message. He did a face palm and quickly fixed the bed and got out his phone. He did an "Indian sit" (that thing where you cross your legs while sitting down) on the floor. Turning his phone on he went to the messages of America and replied

"Ok, I'll see what I can do I'll tell you if I'll be able to come or not. Thanks for telling me"

He was about to mention that he would be able to come, but then he remembered that he hasn't asked Indo and Malay yet if he could leave. He sent the message and unlocked his door so he could go downstairs and ask the other 2.
Upon arriving downstairs, he found the other 2 asleep on the couch. He quietly giggled at this and decided to sit on the floor, waiting for the other 2 to get up. 10 minutes or so have passed and indo slowly woke up. He stood up and stretched a little, without even realizing that Philip was there. It was an opportunity for Philip, so he childishly jumped up and shouted at indo, causing the other to get startled. He sarcastically laughed at philip then rubbed Philips hair so much that it became very very messy. Philip laughed and went to look at Malay, who was just calmly sleeping there. Philip and indo exchanged glances. They smiled and looked towards Malay and the 2 both shouted


Out of nowhere, Malay slapped philip and indos face and it hurt pretty badly, both of them groaning from the pain. Malay gave a laughter of victory. He pointed at the both of them with a huge grin and teased the 2 of their defeat.

"HAH! You didn't realize I was awake? How pathetic!"

As Philip was rubbing where he got slapped in the face, he was about to talk back but then he realized Indo was gone. Philip and Malay exchanged glances and what came next, terrified the Malaysian. Indo came in holding a bamboo runcing (bamboo spear) with a happy yet intimidating look on his face. Malay nervously laughed and backed away knowing that Indo had great skill in using his bamboo runcing. Philip just laughed. He remembered the question he was supposed to ask and said it.

"Hey guys, I received a text from Ame and apparently, spain is in the hospital. Is it alright if I can go?"

Malay nodded, signaling a yes. He was still sweating from the fact that Indo still had the bamboo runcing in his hands but tried his best not to mind it. At that moment he remembered that he had to ask philip if anything was wrong. Part of him hesitated to ask so he just gave out a sigh. 'Maybe next time...' he thought to himself.

Philip went upstairs to the room he was staying in and prepared to leave the house. He put on his jacket and texted back America that he was able to come. Ame replied back saying that he would pick him up from Malay and indos house in around 2-3 hours. 'Well that's a long ride' Philip thought to himself, pretty annoyed. He exited the room, closed the door and headed downstairs to wait for ame while chatting with his friends. Thankfully, indo had put away the bamboo runcing making malay relived. For the next 2-3 hours, Philip just chatted and messed around with his close friends, forgetting to eat breakfast and lunch.

After several hours of waiting, America arrived in front of the home of indo and Malay. He got out of the car and knocked on the door.

"I'll get it!"

Philip yelled while running towards the door, his shout was pretty loud, loud enough to be heard by the American that was patiently waiting outside. Philip swung the door open, seeing America standing right in front of him. Philip grinned at America and greeted him.

"Hi America! You seem to be doing well...anyways shall we go?"

America rubbed Philips messy hair, signaling a yes. Philip smiled. America found 2 other countries approaching him and he greeted the other 2 with a hello. The Malaysian and Indonesian greeted back to him. Philip got out of the door and stood right next to America. He turned to his other 2 friends and smiled. He bid them farewell. Indo closed the door of the house, leaving America and Philip outside. America opened the backseat door of his car and let philip go in. As soon as Philip was going to turn and enter the car, he became terribly dizzy, he was unable to move again. Everything was blurry. The world was spinning. His mind went nuts. He thought to himself


Awh, looks like you've reached the end of this page
Next one will be posted very soon
Hope you're enjoying so far

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