//~ Trial ~\\

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"Knock knock!! Wake up!!"

A sudden voice called out.
As Phil was pulling himself out of his sleep, he turned his glance to the window, only to get shocked at the sight of Indo knocking on the glass several times, visibly desperate to wake up the Filipino.

"Have you not read Asean's message? Get up lil bi-"

His sentence cut off, due to a vErY fAmiLiaR mALaySiaN slapping him in the f a c e .
Very nice.
Very typical.

Phil rubbed his eyes as he picked up his phone, scrolling through his messages until he saw the organisation's message towards him.

"Hey Phil, we need to talk"

"Get yourself ready, I'll be waiting."

" -ASEAN "

("This was...this was 5 days ago...")
He jumped outta his place, almost tripping and falling to the ground face first. He ran to his room, slipping his phone onto his bed as he went and grabbed a fresh set of clothes from his closet and went straight to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. He was gonna shower of course.

On the other hand...Mal and Indo were still fighting...yeah let's not- let's not mind them- it's not like anything bAd is gonna happen riigghhhttt?

Once Phil finished, he went back to the window where the other 2 Asians were being themselves and all that.


No one was there.

He called out their names


No response.

He exited the house.

"Mal? Indo?"

No one. Not a single soul was there.

He felt scared, he was alone outside of his house, he left the door open and forgot to keep it closed. The Filipino could hear his own breath, the wind, and the occasional tweeting of birds. It was as if the 2 were never there. He trecked a little ways from his house, finding something familiar beside a tree.
("Insio's bamboo spear?")
He called Indo, Insio. Why? That story is to be revealed...some other time...

Anywho, he approached the long piece of bamboo with a flag, specifically Indonesia's flag, tied near the top of it. The asian looked around it and it's surrounding area.

("He wouldn't just leave it like this...why would he bring it here anyway?")

He picked it up, and as soon as he did so, he felt something pierce his left shoulder. He looked at it, only to see a red dart.

("What the heck...that's a...tran...qui...li..-")

He fell to the ground, the last thing he heard was very faint foot steps of someone. He wanted to call for help, but somehow, he was losing unconsciousness awfully quickly, it was unusual.




"You got the things ready?"




"We'll begin the observation."


It was cold. Too cold. Way too cold for the blue haired Asian to face. He was used to warm weather, not this. The floor was cold.
He was half awake, lying down on his stomach. His hand on the ground, he came to a conclusion that he was no longer anywhere near his home.
("It's cold...it's a cold metal floor...")
He tried to get up, but it seems to be that he was deprived from his energy, despite sleeping for such a long time. His vision? Blurry. The sides of whatever he could see were tainted a crimson red.
He pulled himself together, sitting down, rubbing his eyes then looking around, his vision refused to return to normal as of now. The Asian suddenly felt a freezing sensation around his neck. Metal.
It was like...a cuff, no, some kind of collar around his neck, as if he was a chained stray dog that has been supposedly adopted, only to be left alone.
He skimmed his fingers over the piece of metal as he finally found his vision clearing up, the red tint not fading away, however.
The asian found himself scanning the room, taking in everything he could see around him, even if it could rise the horrible feeling of questions being left unanswered.
The walls were of gray steel, a singular door made of the same material sat by the west of him. Right Infront of him, lay a rectangular window, although it seemed to be slightly tainted with the color white, perhaps it was only what he saw.
Phil was in the middle of that room, with only one light shining right above him.

("What's... what's with that window...")

He tried to stand up.

Any luck?


As soon as he stood, he fell to the ground, a loud thud erupting from the impact between him and the floor. He changed his position, now lying down properly, staring at the only light source above him, the metal around his neck was discomforting.

("Don't fall asleep... don't-')

S l a m .

The sound of another door being slammed open was heard from the direction of where the window was.
Footsteps were heard, every step becoming louder and louder.
Whoever it was, he was close.

"How are ya Phil?"

The voice spoke, the shadow of a man was behind the glass.

Phil got up right away, his eyes widened as soon as he found out who had spoken his name.

("G-Germany...? I don't even talk to him much!!")

"I'm sure you recognize me, no? I'm the one who brought you here, hope you're satisfied."

("Satisfied...? With what you little-")

The pinoy was biting his lower lip out of frustration.

"Stop looking like that, you know what you've been doing wrong."

The German hit the glass with his fist, his anger and broken sense of sympathy echoing throughout the entire area. It put the Filipino's thoughts to a stop. Everything was in sheer silence, the only thing heard was their breathing. Nothing more, nothing less. It continued on for what seemed like hours, which in reality was only mere minutes, the pinoy's heart rate was increasing drastically, without a reason on why.

Soon enough the German seemed to be typing, fiddling around with some of the buttons, screens, whatever stuff Infront of him, and it made the pinoy anxious. ("What is he doing? What is he thinking? Has he gone mad? Why am I here? Why am I held hostage?)"
He sat there, surrounded by his thoughts.

"Okay, be ready you lil devil."

Phil stared at the European, his pupils practically shaking at this point. The light turned off, and a shocking pain rushed throughout his entire body. He screamed.
What was it?
An electrical shock.

The collar on his neck was a bright yellow, it was the cause of everything.

("I- I really was just a useless hound!! IM JUST USELESS!! WHY AM I BEING TREATED THIS WAY?")





Everything came to a stop.
No electricity.
Barely any light.

A steaming shadow sat behind Phil, who was lying on the ground. Wounds open, blood dripping.
The shadow spoke.

"It's good to be back..."


My edgy slipped
Just wanted to say or remind that this story is only for fun!! I don't wanna make anyone look bad, sorry if this offended anyone!! I am in your dept.

Sorry for taking a while on updating this, but somehow I have a huge wave in motivation!! I'll make some art for this book soon enough 👀

Hope you enjoyed that chapter somehow lol

Sorry if there are any typo errors, I just want this chapter out alreadY

Stay safe, wash ya hands, and always wear a mask when going out!! Lab u ol uwu

- Ya boi Striker

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