//~ Revival ~\\

540 22 19

Screams everywhere.
Fire, burning.
Blood, dripping.
Flags, rising.

As a memory had entered a realm of dreaming and rest, it had caused an uproar of uneasiness. No one anticipated it. But perhaps...I may be wrong...


An Asian yelled out, crying in the process as he looked at his home, destroyed. He dropped down to his knees onto the grass, the plants tainted with his own blood and sweat, as he stared into the eyes of the one who has invaded his land without proper consent of the people. The other man wore pale green, and he seemed to be part of the military or some sort. His shadow, casted on his own face and the pleading Asian, made him smile. Smile sinisterly, as he started laughing like a mad man. He said some words in a foreign language, which the other did not understand. He stepped to the side, revealing the sight behind him. The Philippine flag had been replaced with a red and white flag, with a pattern that looked like a rising sun.

The Asian screamed, his eyes shut tight as he yelled as loud as he could, releasing every last ounce of fear and bottled up pain that he couldn't hide any longer. The next thing he knew the side of his waist has been cut with a katana, as he collapsed to the ground, unable to move, not because of the pain, but because of the agony. He was overwhelmed with these negative emotions, and all he wanted to do was give in, and fade away.




And as I said...that was a memory, projected in a dream.

Phil woke up at a time that seemed to be during daybreak. His eyes, slightly red, and filled with tears. The liquid from them had apparently already seeped out, and had trickled down the face of the Asian. Once more, he was unable to move, unable to control his actions. A sigh slipped through his mouth, an indication of his disapproval of the situation. He felt as if where he had been cut by the weapon had re-opened, and the red substance had leaked out...although...he knew it wasn't the case, or so he assumed. Figuring that it was just a recap of the past, he let it slide, as he waited for time to pass by until he could move again.


A reversal, or so it looked like. Phil had presumably called into a slumber during his period of waiting, and he was floating in a black void, able to control how he acted. The tension rose as the memories started flooding back. He pleaded and pleaded that it wouldn't repeat and... surprisingly...nothing happened...he was just, there. Wherever that place is...

"Maybe sleeping again will work...?"

He had no idea on what to do here, and so does the author. Phil walked- err...floated? around this oddly familiar area, hoping to wake up in the real world and find everything alright, all good and normal.

But both you and I know
That this story
Wasn't made for a bundle of joy and happiness.

"Scream. S c r e a m ."

The voice in the ASEAN member's head yelled at him. He kept his mouth shut, biting his lip in the process.

"So persistent."

It responded at the Filipino's action.

"Would you like to have a nice chat?"

The pinoy said nothing, bringing his hands to his mouth as he tried to resist the unnatural temptation and persuasion coming from the offer and the voice itself.

"I understand."

Silence. For around 10 minutes Phil had just been floating there, not saying a single word. He was silent as ever. Only then he woke up in the real world, and the first thing he did was check the time on his phone.


"...I slept for...10 days...? That's more than a week..."

He scrolled through the messages, calls, and just all his notifications in general. And yes, he got spammed by both Canada and Indonesia. Canada regarding Ame, and Indo regarding...why he's been offline....
The Filipino had not thought up of any excuse regarding his absence, now somewhat panicking at the situation. He wasn't as troubled as before actually, which he found weird, asking himself on why is he calmer than usual on this...
He let his thoughts devour him, now letting his phone slip out of his grasp. From there, Phil was motionless, and his phone showed only one notif which was since 5 days ago.

"Hey Phil, we need to talk"



"Get yourself ready, I'll be waiting."



" -ASEAN "


Awts, sorry for another low quality, short chapter w/ no drawing-- -
Hope y'all are doin okay out there

I honestly don't know where this book is leading to anymore-- -
Also sorry if there are any typos

So uhhhhh

I'm not gonna quit or anythin, I'm just givin a heads up xddd
Sorry if I made y'all confused, at least once due to my poor explanation, storytelling and plot lol

But yeah, overall I hope you're enjoying this somehow

See ya soon, wash ya hands, drink water, wear a mask and stay indoors!!
~Ya boi Striker

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