//~ Assumption and return ~\\

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The German argued with the polish man as they walked down the road with a tall russian, and his slightly shorter siblings which are Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The 4 were trailing behind the other 2. This...wasn't planned.

"Why did we have to bump into them again..."

Belarus complained as she sipped her iced coffee she recently just bought. Ukraine and Kazakhstan shrugged while Russia just sighed.

"Well we seem to have gotten dragged into their business..."

The Russian replied quietly, fixing his ushanka as he said so. The 2 groups...somehow...ended up talking to each other in a café, the German dragging every concern he had and ranting them out on every country there...
Even Poland, and he felt very uncomfortable about it. So did Russia.

"I swear!! An Asian country is up to this!! I saw him in the cctv cam!!"

Germany grunted out, being noisy despite being the one who brought everyone to a formerly quiet area.

"He had blue and red on his flag!!"

"Psh, there's a lot of countries with blue and red. There's Malaysia...Thailand...Laos...Cambodi-"


The Ukrainian had been cut off. By now Poland has left them, and only the scared, calm, silenced and confused countries noticed.

"Uhm... Germany...who the hell are you talking about- and what-"

Belarus asked quietly.

"Okay. Countries are randomly getting hurt, correct? CORRECT? WELL YES, AND MY SUSPECT IS PHILIPPINES."

"What'd the short guy do?"

The boy with the flower crown who has the colors blue and yellow on his head asked. Kazak nodded towards the Ukrainian, indicating he had the same question as he did. Russia rolled his eyes. ("Short guy...pretty mean to call him that.") He thought.

"He's the one who hurt the other countries ya dumdum."

Germany replied.

("He's gone mad, he's even using the words D u m D u m !!")

Kazakhstan thought as he heard the German's statement. Everyone was confused. A country, an Asian country, was targeting his friends for this torture? They all questioned Germany's claims. He says that he requested to put a cctv cam overnight once ame had gotten scars, just incase some weird stuff happens. I know that even thAt plan was weird, but cmon, can ya blame the overly intrigued German?

"There was a country wearing all black, but when he turned his damned head, you could see the blue and red on his flag, plus, I remember seeing Phil during those times!!"

"You're over exaggerating this..."

The tall russian exclaimed as he stood up, indicating that everyone else should do so too.

"He would never do that, he seemed so concerned about Ame ya know."


Everyone just left Germany alone and found Poland sitting on a bench outside. They attempted to comfort him a little, despite not being that close with one another. The German's humility level started rising as he was left alone, the other random countries that were in the same café staring at him intensely. He heard whispering, mumbling and the like, as he silently exited the store and went the opposite direction of where everyone was.

He pulled out a photo, a photo of the suspect from out of his pocket. He crumpled it up a little before putting it away again. His eyes seemed like they were burning in curiosity and suspection as he headed home, alone and cold.

// In another place, where our main blue floofy haired boi was residing... \\

"AA a- aray aray aNG SAKIIITTTTT"

Philippines, sitting on his bed said this as he hugged himself, a sudden pain erupting from the centre of his chest. He was woken up from his nap due to the burning pain that felt like it was spreading all over his body like literal wild fire. It lasted for around 5 minutes, but for the Asian, it felt like 30. Once it stopped he immediately got up and took a glass of water, gulping it down quickly as he tried to relieve himself and his senses from the sudden turn of events in his sleep. He rubbed his forehead, wondering if this uncontrollable feeling from a week or so ago had already caught up with him, and the asean member seemed really annoyed by that.

The Asian remembered his talks with the Vietnamese, and felt like venting out to him, but something inside Phil made him hold back, like he was being pulled away from any sort of help. He shrugged, deciding not to contact anyone as of now. As he was looking at the time, he suddenly became immensely hungry and thirsty, and he found it weird.

("Wh-what? I just ate before I slept!! I slept for a heckin 30 minutes!! What's with this? Ano???")

He quickly got some remaining rice in the fridge, left over chicken pieces and such, and some egg. FRIED RICE TIME FRIED RICE TIME
Joke, but yes, he did prepare some quick food for himself to satisfy his unusual sense of hunger. He also drank a lot of water in the process.

He flopped himself on the couch, the electric fan facing directly on him as from his sight, he stared outside the window that was right where he was lying down. He stared at the clouds and sky, trying to feel calm again, but it just felt. So. Off. So out of place...he was falling asleep again, but seconds before he was about to fall into unconsciousness, he heard a whisper. He sat up, seeing no one. Assuming that it was just his imagination, he went to sleep, the last words in his mind which he didn't acknowledge saying

("I'm still here, just wait for my return.)


I did not listen in class just to write this B)

Ah yea, sorry no drawin today, I'm scared for my storage and also cause I want this chapter o u t

But yeah uhhh
Sorry if this chapter
Isn't that decent
I just wanted to get this out already lolz
Have a good day/night broskiz, wash ya hands, stay indoors and wear a mask B)

~Ya boi Striker

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