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Philips vision was blurry. Too blurry. Everything was spinning drastically.
He was about lose balance and fall forward but his quick reactions grabbed something and that something was America.

"Ph-phil what are you- are you ok?-"

Ame said with concern in his voice. Philip looked at him, his face tired, and he lost his strength. The asian sighed, he summoned all the strength he had left in him and stood up. He headed into the open doors of the car.

"I-I'm fine..."

Philip scrambled his way into the car and sat opposite side of where the drivers seat was at the back. America shut the door of where the asian had entered. He went to the drivers seat, closed the door and locked them all. He started the long ride, on the way to the hospital where Spain was staying in.

'You obviously aren't.'

Was what America was thinking over and over again after hearing the words 'I'm fine' from Philip. Something has to be wrong. He seemed a little...off. He glanced at the Filipino who was sitting at the back when they encountered a little bit of traffic. He was just staring outside and he didn't seem well...he didn't look sick, but mostly tired. Ame tried to convince himself that Philip was probably just tired because of having way too much fun with his friends.
'Its probably nothing...' he said in his mind. 'Phil's alright...'

2 hours or so have passed, and America had already parked his car in the parking lot by the hospital. He went to look at philip

"Heya phil lets-"

His sentence got cut at the sight of seeing Philip fast asleep with his head leaning onto the window. America smiled and quietly called out the others name, slowly waking the other up. Ame informed the sleepy asian that they have arrived at their destination. They both got off the car and headed inside the hospital, towards Spain's room next.

Upon arriving in Spain's room, he was asleep in his bed. Philip and Ame breathed in the smell of the hospital, both smelling a hint of blood in the air. It was Spain's wounds. Philip saw spain sleeping in his bed then looked at the spanish man's arm. It was full of bandages and was stained with dry old blood. It scared him a little and he went to sit on one of the chairs that was right next to the window while the American stood by Spain's bed on the left side, crossing his arms while doing so.

Spain woke up shortly after, and the first thing he heard was the voice of two other countries chatting. Both had very fluent English. He sat down and saw America and the Philippines. He greeted the two and he was greeted back

"Heya Spain! You alright? Also what happened?"

The Filipino asked, visible concern present in his voice. Spain sighed and replied to the question.

"I'm fine. Just a day or so ago, my breathing was week. At some point at midnight in my house, my arm suddenly started hurting and when I looked, there were wounds. Deep ones. And before you ask, no I'm not cutting myself."

'Week breathing...? Isn't that like what happened last night?' The Filipino asked himself in his head. He shook away the question, yet he wanted to do further 'research'. He spaced out, thinking more and more about this and how what happened to Spain could be related to what happened to himself. Ame and Spain stared at Philip and exchanged glances. America sighed and shook Philip.

"Hey hey, are you alright?"

Philip rapidly shook his head and regained his senses. He nodded. He had decided to stay with Spain overnight, due to him being overly concerned about the wounded other. He told the 2 this, and they both agreed. The entire day they chatted and caught up with each other, making Spain forget about his pain, and making Philip forget about his problems.
Soon night fell, America had bid the 2 farewell and left the hospital and headed to his house. Philip and Spain stayed silent after that, and soon both of them falling asleep.

Philip woke again, he was heavily breathing, and the aura of unusual warmth was present inside and around him. He felt like he was in chains in a dark grey room...alone. He was floating in an upright position somehow.

"Let me go!"

He shouted but there was no response. Only the echo of his voice was heard. The so called chains that he felt around his neck, arms and ankles of his legs have 'broken off', making him fall and fall endlessly, the walls weren't grey anymore, but slowly fading to black, like he was falling into the abyss. He screamed and his scream, woke him up in the 'real world'.

He glanced at this arm and saw them being a different tint of color. He gasped. He couldn't make out what the color was but he blinked several times and rubbed his eyes. He turned his attention back to his arms again and saw them being the same red tint they always had. He gave a sigh of relief and stared at the ceiling, his mind questioning and questioning on what happened again. He closed his eyes and right before falling asleep, he heard a whisper. The voice sounded oddly familiar, but he wasn't able to understand what that voice just said. It obviously scared him but he soon fell asleep again, thinking that it was probably nothing and that he shouldn't worry about it.

Philip woke up to the conversation of others.  He saw the doctor talking to Spain. Spain was looking scared, hitting Philip and making him concerned again. The smell of blood lingered. Shortly after, the doctor left, leaving Spain and Philip alone. Philip turned his attention to Spain and immediately asked what happened to him. Spain sighed and gave the other an answer.

"I...I woke up to more fudging wounds on my arm..."

He looked to his arm and saw the new bandages that had stains of fresh bright red blood. Philip gasped at the sight. Upon remembering what happened last night, it made him even more terrified. He was clouded with confusion. Out of nowhere the sudden feeling of puking hit Philip, so he asked to be excused and rushed to the nearest restroom and threw up there. Instead of what you would expect from puking, this was different. Very different.

The puke that came out was a mixture of dark red and black. The substance looked sticky in a way and of course, it disgusted Philip deeply, but still making him concerned. He flushed the toilet and quickly went to look at himself in the mirror. His mouth was stained with black. He started coughing endlessly. He started questioning, once again.


Sorry that it took longer than usual for this part to come out
My motivation went whoosh-
So... the next parts may come out as slow as this one came
Since like I said, motivation went whoosh
And also cause important exams are coming up
Hope y'all understand and hope you're enjoying so far
Thx for reading

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