xi. decontamination

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  IN A SMALL circle, the group huddled together as the automated voice instilled the most profound dismay within them, resulting in them clutching one another in fear

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  IN A SMALL circle, the group huddled together as the automated voice instilled the most profound dismay within them, resulting in them clutching one another in fear. Their faces began to pale over as they met Jenner's fearful glare. They had awaited his explanation for several moments, only to no avail as Jenner remained silent, merely staring ahead at the blank computer screens surrounding him.

  A careless, selfish response to such terrified individuals could not have been foreseen. Jenner was a doctor, it was his mere duty to help those in need, the less fortunate, the afflicted. He had allowed all hope to deplete. And now, so had Ellie.

  Though Coda whimpered from nearby, Ellie could only stare with tearful eyes, mirroring the fear of her own child.

  Ellie glanced up at the screen with wide eyes, shakily announcing, "VI, define decontamination?" she edged closer to Coda worriedly, yanking her closer to her as she sarcastically questioned, "Are we going to get incinerated or something stupidly cinematic?"

  As she received no response, Rick immediately darted out the doors with Daryl and Shane hot on his heels as they endeavoured to discover the basement; a place where they had hoped to discover backup generators in effort to deactivate the decontamination. The remaining group members scurried back to their allocated rooms as they sat miserably, pondering their futures as the answers they had been seeking seemed so distant.

  Ellie clutched Coda close in her arms as she felt her heart thump anxiously against her chest and clenched her fearful eyes shut as she whispered, "It's alright, baby. Mommy's here." She turned to face Lori and sighed, "I'm sure they'll do something, they have to. Jenner can't keep us here."

  Without uttering a single world in response, Lori elevated herself to her feet with disbelief painted on her paled face. She raised her hand slowly to the air conditioning unit, hovering her hand in front of of it with no explanation. This left Carl to question, "Mom, what's wrong?"

  "Nothing, it's just... the air conditioning stopped," Lori stated through a mumble, her eyebrows furrowing deeply as she connected her eyes with Ellie in disturbance.

  Ellie toyed with the idea of possibly aiding the men in their efforts by chancing to discuss the situation with Jenner himself — alone. He had no right to keep them there as prisoners when they were survivors, through and through.

  The blonde gently placed Coda down onto the softness of the cot, whispering soothing words to the worried child before she scurried outside the door and chanced to dart towards the main room. Through the haze of confusion at the maze, Ellie suddenly halted at the door as the shadows of the dark hallways blinded her vision, and tilted her head as she observed Jenner starting down at a small photograph; tattered in its material, yet invaluable as a sentiment.

  Ellie's ears quickly tuned into as Jenner broadcasted a deep sigh, and remained silent as he spoke.

"I did the best I could in the time I had. I hope you're proud of that," Jenner whispered down at the photograph as he trailed his index finger down the glass.

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