A/N: italics are flashbacks and will be used throughout the book. sorry for the short chapters, I am trying my best to add as much detail as I possibly can.
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"ELLIE, KEEP CARL safe!" Rick ordered, pushing the blonde hastily in the direction of Carl as he and Shane took control over the walkers.
Though her body trembled with crippling anxiety, Ellie hurriedly darted to the young boy's side, ensuring her arm had been folded across him protectively. Feeling utterly powerless, all Ellie could do was anxiously observe as Rick and Shane took charge, clearing out the walkers with the safety of their knives to reduce the risk of gunshots drawing more hungry walkers.
Carl whimpered sheepishly into Ellie's side as he clung onto her, his small fingers curling onto the fabric of her shirt with his entire strength. A flailed arm attached to Carl's arm suddenly, a loose walker detached from its herd as it snuck behind them silently. With one swift movement, she had spun on her heels, and instantly thumped her hand against the throat of the walker. Carl broadcasted a loud wail as blood trickled like thick treacle down from the walker's new stab wound onto his arm.
"Carl!" Rick cried out as he held a walker off on his hand, distracted by his son's frantic scream.
Shane did not hesitate to aid his friend as he killed the walker, their concerned eyes whirling back to Ellie within moments.
"He's safe!" Ellie breathlessly called out as she scanned the perimeter for more surprises from walkers, to see it had been entirely clear. She let out a sigh as she pulled Carl close to her, prompting the young boy to wrap his small arms around her, hugging her close, "You're safe, Carl."
Once the walkers had cleared out, they regrouped fearfully, ensuring that they remained close as they proceeded with their journey, with Carl holding Ellie's hand from fear as Rick and Shane held their guns up. From above her, Ellie watched as the trees uncurled at intervals, allowing the blinding sunlight to beam through ever so slightly. She glanced up, smelling the composting leaves as she tried to keep her mind off Coda and Luke, but she just couldn't get them out of her mind.
Crackling branches caught her attention as she walked through the woods, but she knew it was only Shane and Rick ahead of her. What would have once been a green meadow hidden in the folds of the forest, now felt like a graveyard as it belonged to the dead. Ellie glanced around, the earthy smell of beginnings and endings surrounding her endlessly.
Rick and Shane idly sunk into nostalgia, quietly beginning to discuss past memories while Carl giggled along happily, proud to learn of his favourite men and their endless history of joy.
It left a bittersweet ache on Ellie's tongue at her own brother's absence, almost feeling sick with regret that he could not be there to share delicate memories with his younger sister. Though she had nobody to connect to, Ellie glanced down at her feet sheepishly, allowing a nostalgic grin to toy at her lips. She enjoyed hearing the men's personal anecdotes — but it simply reminded her that the only people she could share hers with, were missing.