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ELLIE PACED DRAMATICALLY back and forth in the small room that Glenn has discovered, only he and Maggie had been standing hand in hand in seclusion. The two were whispering among one another, which only fuelled Ellie's irritation more. She continued to pace back and forth as she pondered their next move carefully, only to be disrupted by Glenn as he grabbed her arm once again.
"What the hell are you doing?" Ellie questioned as the man hauled both Ellie and Maggie out into the hallway, despite their objections.
"Rick!" Glenn cried, his voice croaked as though he had been crying for a long time. "Daryl! Bradley! Anybody?"
Ellie paused as she observed the frantic man as he called out to their group, leaving her to ponder whether it had been the safest move. It didn't matter to her in the slightest. She just wanted to get back to her daughter, and she was truly willing to try anything.
"Daryl!" Ellie screamed, her throat burned as she allowed her body to scream as loudly as it desired. "Rick! Brett! Shane!"
From a distant hallway, a blood curdling scream could be heard from Hershel, and a panicked hysteria surrounding him. Ellie immediately grabbed Glenn by his shirt, and darted towards the right, and followed the eerie screams from Hershel. They continued down the hallways until the screams became increasingly closer, and eventually revealed Hershel on the ground, bleeding profusely from his leg, a live walker accompanying him. Ellie lunged forth, and ploughed her blade deep into the walker's skull, and tore it away from Hershel's leg in a panic.
As the walkers surrounded the group, Ellie could hear Rick's distant cries from around the corner. She dropped to her knees in a panic and tore the bottom half of her shirt, and held it against Hershel's bleeding wound.
"Rick! We're in here, we need help, right now!" Ellie screamed out, and continued to apply pressure to Hershel's wound, and quickly levitated it off the ground.
As Rick and Daryl and the others approached the scene, Daryl shot down two of the nearby walkers, as Rick helped to clear many of them out of the way. Maggie had dropped to the ground in an inconsolable panic as she saw her father, only the walkers proved to be too much. Ellie shot to her feet, and grabbed a nearby stack of straw and papers, reaching into her pocket and discovering a lighter. She quickly lit the straw, and held it up high as a torch, and guided the group towards the cellblock.
Despite their best efforts, the walkers continued on their quest for flesh, and eventually led the group to a room bound by padlocks. T-Dog immediately cut open the locks, and pushed the door open, allowing them all to flow inside in fear. The whole group stood, or fell to the ground, panting from the running from the walkers. In unison, they each turned to face Hershel as he clutched his aching leg, and listened to his defeating whimpers.
Ellie squared up to Rick's face, and held up her necklace from her chest, "You have to save him. I wouldn't be here without him. Please."
Through perplexed eyes, Rick searches Ellie's for a sign of hope, and nodded, "I-I-I think I know what to do."