Chapter 1- Ticket Collection

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I had to pull the car over and wait for the usual.

"License and Registration ma'am."

I reached in my purse then pulled out my license. The officer looked at me like I was a grape in a pile of French fries.

"So, your 16?" He asked in shock.

"I think so. Unless my parents and birth certificate lied to me."

"Haha, ok here you go, have a great day." He handed me a speeding ticket. I wasn't surprise, it was my second time today and ninth time this week.

I got home and mom was busy with her boyfriend. She's had a million boyfriends and one new one each week. That's why I was so surprised when I saw it was still the same guy from last week.

"Hey Squirt." He said in a really deep voice.

Normally I would correct him and make him say my name but I wasn't in the mood.

"Hi." I said in a soft voice not really in the mood to start a conversation.

I walked up into my room, grabbed my laptop, and logged on to Facebook. I looked to see if there was any messages. No messages. I was expecting one from the biggest douche on the planet.

Earlier today I was minding my own business when Tom came by and took my phone from my pocket. I was pissed. Nothing in the world could explain how mad I was. He took it with him and left me soured out. Do you ever get that feeling when your so pissed at someone you just start to cry and never want to see him face again? Well that explains how I felt.

I made a speech in my mind I wanted to write to him. But there was no way of making a speech without words that should be illegal. So I was waiting to see if he would message.

While waiting my mom came upstairs into my room and saw my eyes.

"Who died?" She joked

"My inside." I said unamused

"Aw honey, what happened?" She said worried. I really didn't feel like telling her but I needed to let it out.

"There's a guy who found out my locker combination, he took my money and my phone and wouldn't give it back." I lied. I didn't want to tell her he took it from my pocket. She already gets mad when I text at home, if she found out I texted in class, who knows.

"Oh my, what's the boys name? I'm gonna report him. He's gonna have to give you your stuff back and I'm gonna have them change your locker and combination." She said already convinced.

"No. Leave it! It's my problem! Not yours, I'll get myself out and get my stuff back, ok?!" I almost started to yell. As she was about to speak a box caught her attention.

"What's in there?" She asked curiously.

"Um, you know, just, um, a collection." I said mumbly. She tried to grab the box from the counter but I tried to move her hand. As her hand swung it knocked the box over, revealing my collection of..

"SPEEDING TICKETS?!?" She screamed.

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