Chapter 4- Forget the Cars

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First period, one simple word. Boring. I mean what's so fascinating about algebra. Just a bunch a numbers and letters, like an alphabet soup. But how am I so good at it? Mr. Barly (my algebra teacher) is always so surprised.

Halfway through the class the phone rings.

"Yes, ok, uhu. Gia, your are needed in the office, with your things."

I quickly got up with my things and headed down. Once I got there the secretary showed me to the assistant principal's office. I've went there, millions of times.

" Hey Gia." I heard and then I started panicking and started talking right away, I couldn't afford getting more grounded than what I already was.

"Whatever I got called down for, I didn't do it, or at least I didn't mean to. Think about it, it's not my fault, well not entirely anyway, look at the video games these days, and those stupid useless commercials, the whole child population is transforming because of these injustices and new technology in the..."

"Gia, you're not in trouble."

I had just said some of the most precious pieces of info, for nothing. Oh well.

"Then, what was I called down for.."

"Your grades in some of your classes are quite surprising, and your schedule has changed. Now you'll have math third period, you know, the advanced class.

"Oh, uh ok." I said kinda jittery and went off, to English, and guess who was there, Tom, but also, Mark. I really didn't care for Tom, but Mark. Omg. Assigned seats too. Since I was new I just took the only open seat left. Inform of Mark. He seats were all arranged in four rows behind each other. I didn't like where I sat, if I sit infront of Mark, how can I talk to him? How can I look at him with turning. But I'll live.

Mark didn't really speak, he just said "hey" when I entered and had to take my seat. I was dissapointed.

English ended and I was headed to Chemistry, boringgg. But omggg, Mark was there. In chemistry we have to have partners. And Tom was Mark's partner, but since I was switched into the class they wouldn't have enough room, so they switched Tom.

"Hey Mrs. Smarty pants, I believe we now have to be partners." I coLundy believe he called me that.

"Hello Mr. Nice guy"

"Since when am I a nice guy?"

"Since you didn't want to kick me from your, wait correction 'my' new breakfast table haha."

"Ok ok, but that was only one time hah."

"Oh I think you just called me smart when you greeted so, that's two."

"Fine you win."

We both laughed and kept on arguing until Ms. Grast came in. We learned about, wait I forgot. Shoot. I have a teat tomorrow I need to study for. Arghhh. Well turns out me and Mark have all our classes together. Even some of the classes I didn't get switched, how had I not noticed? How new was he? I'll learn later. Anyways I'm over everything. Peen my anger with my mom.

When I got home we had a big talk about what we were feeling. And I really actually enjoyed it. I told her about Mark. But not his name. I kept him a mystery. I mean come on, i don't trust her that much.

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