Chapter 3- New Turn

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"Who is it."

"It's mom. Can we talk?"

"I don't want to talk to you! Just leave me alone!" I said with a waterfall of tears.

"Honey, I'm sorry I yelled at you, but we need to talk about this."

"You know what mom? I'm done. I'm over everything. Just leave me alone I'm tired and I want to sleep." After I had said that I felt bad. I mean all she was trying to do was talk to me and I was making myself feel like the important one. I felt so selfish. After a while of sobbing and shivering from chills I fell asleep.

I had a nightmare. Well, I think I had a nightmare. I mean, it felt like a nightmare, it also felt so real. I was running. Kept running, without stopping. But I don't know what I was running from. All I knew was that I was scared and was running was my only option.

"It's was only just a dream. It was only just a dream." I kept reminding myself.

I finally got up from bed and got ready for school. I wanted the week to be over already. But it was barely 3 days into the week. I was actually kind of looking forward to school. It's Halloween week. This Friday is Halloween, and I still don't know if I want to dress up, or go to the Halloween dance party thing the school is having.

After I got dressed I went to get breakfast. I was expecting mom to be in the kitchen eating breakfast before heading off to work, but instead I found Susan.

Susan is one of my moms friends, who had moved away for a while after she and her ex husband got divorced. They had a son, a couple months older than me. But I've never met him, even tho while Susan left town he stayed with his dad and went to "my" school. I'm not really the type of person who goes around and socializes with different people. I just stick with my friends Cara, Marie, Tris, and my phone, which I can't see for a month.

"Hey Gia, how's it going?" Susan asked.

"It's going good Mrs..."

I paused for a second. I had never heard her last name, or maybe I have but I don't remember and oh gosh, I called her Mrs. Knowing she just got divorced. Before Susan could say anything or I could correct myself, mom came in.

"Hey Girls. Gia you remember Susan right?"

"Yes I do, and it's a pleasure seeing you again! But I have to go catch the bus."

"But you haven't had breakfast."

"Oh yea, but I'm not that hungry. I'll live till lunch."

"Um ok. Have a good day."

"Bye mom, bye Susan."

"Bye." Both mom and Susan said at the same time.

I got to school and I usually don't get to school so early, I mean I always drive myself to school after I go to McDonalds. And I arrive always right when the bell rings to go to class. But I'm early today. What was I suppose to do?

I went to my locker and put my things in there while I thought. I decided to go to the cafeteria and get some breakfast, I've never gotten school breakfast before so it was new.

I sat down at an empty table. I don't care that people see me sitting there alone. I sat down and started to taste the pancakes. They were warm but stiff. Like rock. Who could it that? I finally just settled with some toast and orange juice, and then out of the corner of my eye I saw him.

A him I had never seen before. He looked liked one of those guys from commercials that had those hot road guys. Exactly like that. He was probably an inch taller than me, he had on a batman T-shirt and blue jeans. His smile wasn't too smiley, but it wasn't bad either, it was perfect. And his eyes... Impeccably sparkly brown eyes...

That we're looking towards her...

"Hey, mind if I sit here? I usually sit at this table everyday, but I see you found it as your habitat too haha." He asked. Even his voice was perfect and that laugh.. Was just...

"Um.." I paused for a second I was still admiring him. Then I snapped. "Oh, yea yea, sure. Well I can just leave of you want, it my first time having breakfast here and I didn't know you sat here, I mean if I had know I would've just found a different table, and yea." I felt like I had just bored him. I had said too much.

"Oh no, stay, it's fine. I don't people to think I kicked you off the table haha."

" ok."

His laugh. That laugh. I can't get over it. I capouldnt stop. The sound of his laughter kept repeating over and over in my head. I never wanted it to stop. But then..

"Mark! Bro! Hey man!"

The douche had come. What did he want? Did he want to get me on my bad side? Again.

"Hey Tom! What up?" He said still sounding perfect.

"Oh, you met 'her'." Tom said with a frown. But it didn't look like he was mad or wanting to make my life miserable, it was different.

"This her has a name." I reclaimed.

"Whatever." Tom said "Mark this is Gia."

"Wait Gia..? Ohh." He said in an 'I understand now' accent. He was sitting across from me, he looked at me, "Hi Gia, I'm Mark, we have a couple classes together I believe."

"Oh we do?" I was confused. So Mark was a new kid? And he knows we have classes together? Wait was he a new kid? Before I could answer myself Tom asked...

"So Gia, me and Mark wanted to know if you wanted to go to the dance this Friday with us? I mean, your friends never go and maybe you could hang out with us there."

Wait what? Had Tom really ask me to hang out with them at the dance? For real? I didn't know what to answer, I thought it was a joke, but what if it wasn't? She'd lose her chance to get along with Tom, and get to meet Mark.

"Yea, I'll go. As long as I get the Lobster, with potatoes and green beans on the side." I joked. We all laughed a while and went to class.

I felt like I just made a new turn, a faster way, to reach my destination.

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