Chapter 2- Instant Crash

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"Mom, do you really need to take my car privileges?"

"Yes, when you are older and have your own kids you'll understand." She said with her voice still serious.

"Why do you have to be so unfair? I wouldn't do this to my kid!"

"We'll see."

She left my room slamming the door shut behind her. I felt really mad now. I wanted to do something. I thought about what I used to do back in my early teen years. How I used to damage my perfect smooth skin. How I would always wear long sleeves so no one would see them.

But No, I'm not going back to that. It was in the past and in the past it will stay. The school councilor was told I had cut on my skin, by my best friend. She didn't tell me she told but I knew she did, and I knew she did it because she cared about me. Once the councilor knew, she wanted to have a meeting with my mom. I knew I couldn't change her mind so I just went with it.

Now, instead of using a blade and skin for my anger, I use a punching bag my mom bought. While I was punching the bag with my anger...


I was too lazy to go and answer so I left it. But no one answered the door. My mom was probably waiting for me to answer. And then again...


I made an effort and got up. Once I opened the door, it was Tom. That douche. He was holding my phone. My mom all of a sudden popped out of no where and got in my way.

"Hey Tom! How's your mom doing?"

Tom's mom has had a really close friendship with my mom. They're like best friends. Our moms are like Ketchup and French Fries. My mom is the fries, and Tom's Mom, Mindey, she's the ketchup. Don't ask why, but that my way and putting things together.

"She's fine Mrs. Dasinel. I just wanted to come by and return Giannele's phone ." He said with a fake innocent face. And he said my Full name. I don't like my full name. Everyone calls me Gia. G I A. Gia.

"Well thanks Tom, but you know what.. Keep it. I mean keep it until Thanksgiving. Gia is grounded and won't be allowed to use it anyway."

"Oh, ok?" He said confused as he turned around and got in his car.

"Why'd you do that mom! You could've at least kept it!" I said furious.

"Well, I always end up giving it back to you, so I decided to try something new beside something interesting might happen."

"What's with you mom? It's like your trying to make something happen!"

"Look, Gia, there's stuff you will understand when your older and... Never mind."

"Never mind what? Never mind What!"

"You know sooner or later!"

"Why not tell me now? Oh yea that's right, because you don't trust me and all you ever do is go get drunk and think how life would've been better if you wouldn't have had me. Because if you wouldn't have had me you would still be with that guy that's suppose to be my father! Your mad at me for ruining your chances with him because he was your "true" love! Well you know what screw you!" I said what I felt and thought was right.

"Don't talk about your father that way! He loved you, but there are things you don't understand yet! JUST GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"You know what mom, you just made my day instantly crash into the worse day ever thank you!"


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