❤Bakugou x Reader❤

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Soulmate AU: The world is black and grey until you make eye contact with your soulmate. 

For you and everyone else in the world, you are born into this world seeing everything in dreery black and grey. It got very boring really quick. You had heard of all these different colors. Pink, green, purple, and orange. Oh how you longed to see these colors. The only way to be able to see these colors was for you to meet your soulmate. Or- more specifically to look them in the eyes. Then you world would be washed over in color.

Despite knowing that you would meet your soulmate this way, you hated to look others in the eye. After meeting so many people, you thought that meeting all of their eyes would at least give you some glimpse of color. But 16 years into your life, you had not meet that person.

So when you got your letter of acceptance into UA you were beyond excited. Jumping up and down you ran to your parents squealing with joy. They had bright smiles on their faces as they hugged you and congratulated you for making it into the school of your dreams. Better yet, you were in class 1-A! This, perhaps, would be your chance to meet the one. Many people from a wide variety of places were coming together into one place. There had to be at least the slightest chance that you would meet your one and only.

The days flew by until it was finally the day to start your new path to becoming a pro hero. Standing outside the large building, you began to feel a little bit intimidated. Many different people passed you, most of them with someone by them. A few people seemingly meeting for the first time, but with a glint of wonder in their eyes.

They were meeting their soulmate.

Following the crowd into the school, you eventually found your way to the classroom for 1A.

"Holy shit." You swore under your breath at the size of the door. "Why in the hell is the door so tall?"

"Out of my way extra!" A voice yelled, interrupting your query.

Looking towards the origin of the voice, you saw a young man with a grimace on his face. He had a scowl on his face and his school uniform was disheveled. Avoiding his eyes, you looked down and moved to the side as he forced his way past you and stomped into the room.

Following him in, you took a glance around the room. It was a nice size classroom with 20 desks. A few students were already there and had found their seats. Looking for yours, you ended up sitting in the fourth seat of the second row behind a boy who's hair was spiked straight up. The loud male who had shoved his way past you a few moments earlier was sitting in the furthest row over from the door, and the second seat back. From where you were seated you had a clear view of him.

With this view you took a moment to really look him over. His hair spiked out in an explosive way, a scowl seemed to be permanently etched onto his features, and he had an all over rebel attitude dripping off of him. Leaning back in his chair, he placed his feet on top of his desk. As he did so, another male who was wearing glasses quickly rushed over to him.

"Don't put your feet on the desk! Don't you think that's rude to the UA upperclassmen and people who made the desk?" The male with glasses spoke. He was a well built male, a little bit square in nature, and waving his arms in an awkward manner.

"Nope. What junior high did you go to , you side character? The top two?"

"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you."

"Crushing him? Pfft. So it seems this one will end up being a troublemaker." You think to yourself, drowning out the voices of the two males.

"That one's a little out there, isn't he?" The male who sat in front of you said towards you.

"Heh. He definitely is. I have a feeling he's going to be a pain." You quietly replied, chuckling a little.

The male smiled at you and turned to face you completely. "The name's Kirishima. Kirishima Eijiro. Nice to meet ya."

"(L/N). (L/n)(F/n)." You replied, smiling back at him.

Kirishima opened his mouth to speak to you again, but was interrupted by someone crawling out of a sleeping bag.

"I'm your homeroom teacher. Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you." A wave of shock passed through the students in realization that this man, who was previously just in a sleeping bag, was our homeroom teacher. "It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field."

~Time Skip to the end of the day~

Tired from the quirk apprehension test that Aizawa put the class through, you trudge your way off school grounds. Eyes half lidded and looking down, you didn't notice the body that had stopped in the middle of the walkway. Crashing into them, your momentum pulled the both of you down. Causing you to land on top of them.

"Oi, what the hell you damn extra! Watch where you're going!"

Of all people to knock over, it had to be Bakugou. Cringing internally, you pulled yourself up and began to apologize.

"I-I'm so sorry Bakugou. I should have watched where I was going." Standing, you held out your hand to help them up.

Bakugou smacked your hand away and mumbled to himself about being able to get up on his own. The smacking of his hand caused you to go wide eyed and out of instinct look up at him. In doing so, you did the one thing you tried to avoid doing for the last few years.

You locked eyes with him.

This time however, was different from any other time you looked in the eyes. Your world exploded with color suddenly. The dull grey tones burst to life, changing to shades of green for the grass, beautiful light blue for the sky, and what really caught your attention was Bakugou's eyes. They were a beautiful crimson red.

As you were stuck gazing into his eyes, you noticed a light pink spreading across Bakugou's cheeks. Was that... was he blushing?

"I finally found you..." You heard Bakugou mumble under his breath.

Smiling lightly, you took a step closer towards him.

"So it's you, huh?" You said, shuffling your feet awkwardly a little bit.

"Heh. I guess it is." He smiled back lightly. It was a strange sight to see after getting used to his seemingly permanent scowl. Grabbing your hand, Bakugou pulled you close to him and wrapped an arm around your waist. "Come on. Let me take you to get something to eat, soulmate."

"Hmmm... that sounds good to me. Soulmate~."

Ah! My first scenario for this book! I hope you guys liked it, and tell me if theres anything you think i could do to get better! I know it's not my bestest work, but I wanted to start posting parts so I tried my best to get it done. Love y'all~. 

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