Alpha! Bakugou, Deku and Todoroki x Omega! Reader

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Flayvus- "Hi! Are you still doing omegaverse requests? If so how about Omega(reader) is in heat but doesnt want their alpha to know because they dont want to bother them bc their busy so reader steers clear of them. But they find out anyway 😋 (Bakugo, Shoto and Dabi) Tell me if this isn't clear enough, Ty! 💫"
For this, I'm putting this as the first heat that the reader has gone through since dating their Alpha. Enjoy hun! Sorry i got carried away with Dabi's


-Trying to hide your heat is hard in the first place, even with suppressants. But hiding it from Bakugou? Goodluck.

-You had always longed for the explosive alpha before the two of you were an item, but now that you were officially his Omega, that yearning was even worse.

-Leading up to your heat, you had gotten Bakugou to scent as many things as you could without raising suspicion. A hoodie here and there, a few blankets, and a stuffed bear.

-The alpha was oblivious to what you were doing at first, seeing it as a way to mark you as his with his scent. It was a mix of espresso and slightly burnt caramel.

-It wasn't until three days in of avoiding him that he got suspicious that something was up. He's not a scatterbrain like some people in the class are, so it was bound to happen.

-You had gone back to the dorms earlier in the day after a small talk with Aizawa. He could tell something was up by the slight glow to your skin and sheen of sweat that covered your body.

-Bakugou decided to wait until classes were over for the day before going to your dorm room.

-Before he could knock on the door he could hear little mewls coming from your room, and occasionally the whisper of his name.

-This, along with the aroma of your scent wafting from his room made the boy turn red as he realized what was going on.

-Bakugou was frozen in place, but soon decided to go ahead and knock on your door after he heard the little mewls stopping.

-You answered the door. Bright red face and half lidded eyes just confirmed to Bakugou that you were in the middle of your heat.

-"Does my little Omega need help from their Alpha?" Bakugou said, smirking and walking into your room.

-That's when you learned to never keep your heats a secret from Bakugou again. 😏😏


-Shoto would be one of the most oblivious to you being in heat compared to anyone in the class.

-He comes from a family primarily made up of Alpha's with his older sister being a Beta. So he didn't know too much about Omega's and their heats.

-He could tell that you were avoiding him a bit. As in not sitting with him and your regular group during lunch, and rushing to your dorm room after classes.

-Shoto wondered what was up. Momo, one of your best friends in your class who happened to also be an omega, tried to explain to him that everything was fine. She knew you felt embarrassed by being in heat and tried to help cover for you.

-About 7 days in, Shoto couldn't take it anymore.

-He followed closely behind you on the way back to the dorms, and stuck his foot in the door when you tried to close it without letting him in.

-The poor Alpha was starting to get worried that you were really avoiding him for a reason that his heart couldn't handle.

-You were anxious as he let himself into your room, freaking out internally as his eyes went to the nest that you had built on your bed and back to you.

-Realization as to what was going on hit Shoto right in the face.

-Looking down at your anxious face, he leaned in and brought you into a hug.

-Immediately you relaxed into his arms and nuzzled your face next to his scent gland, feeling yourself get warm and fuzzy.

-He made you promise not to keep your heats a secret from him, as he couldn't handle you avoiding him. Shoto just wanted to help you in any way he could.


-Trying to get through your heat with Dabi not noticing would be the hardest thing.

-You were on a suppressant that made your heat happen once every 3 months. And you and Dabi had started dating about two and a half months ago.

-So you suddenly distancing and avoiding him made his guard go up.

-Was it his face? Were you sick of looking at the burns that covered his face and body?

-Thoughts like this were constantly running though his head as he tried to find you.

-It had been maybe a week and a half since he had seen you last and he was getting fed up.

-Walking through the LOV hideout he got a whiff of your scent coming from down the hall.

-Dabi's curiosity peaked and his heart raced as he sped walked to the room where your scent was coming from.

-He heard voices from inside the room, one was yours but very quiet and almost a whisper. The other was a male voice he couldn't quite make out.

-Dabi could hear you whimpering on the other side of the door, sounding almost hurt.

-The alpha couldn't handle it anymore and barged into your room. Inside, you were curled into a nest you had made and Shigaraki there trying to get you to eat something.

-Rage filled Dabi, some blue flames flickering around the male. He walked over to the two of you as your gaze jerked towards him, your eyes half lidded and face red as could be.

-Before Dabi could do anything, you forced yourself up and ran across the room to where he was before he could get any closer to Shigaraki.

-"It... It's not what it looks like..." You tried to explain quickly. Dabi just stared coldly down at you with his blue eyes, sending a shiver down your spine.

-Shigaraki got up from where he had been seated and meandered himself around the two of you. Before he could leave he got Dabi's attention.

-"I'm her younger brother dumbass. I brought her food so she would actually eat during her heat."

-At that, the blue haired male left the room.

-Dabi's eyes widened in realization. He had always been jealous at how close the two of you were, but it never clicked in his mind before. Dabi had always thought Shigaraki had called you "Onii" in a joking manner.

-Clinging onto the alpha, the omega in you released a scent that was almost stronger than anything he had smelled from you before.

-"Well, well, well... Does my little omega need some help?" The alpha almost purred out, leading you back to your nest.

-It's safe to say that Dabi never left your side during your heat, and spoiled your every need during the time, and during all your heats to come. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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