Alpha Shigaraki and Alpha Endevor x Omegs reader

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"Just some ideas, cold you do  shigaraki as an alpha (omega reader) Enji (alpha with omega reader) Fatgum (alpha with omega reader) Like hot they act when they’re in rut and how they seduce their partner? Maybe some aftercare  I’m sorry if this is a lot 🥺 you don’t have to! If you do thank you!!" 

As I said in the anon reply on tumblr, I don't think I can do Fatgum much justice since I'm not too familiar with him and his personality and what not. So this will be just Shigi and Enji! And sorry for Shigi's being longer than Enji. 😭 Low key biased towards Shigi over all the other BNHA characters. 😂😂


We all know this boy is touch starved, so when he's in a rut he's gonna want you all over him. 

If it's the beginning of a relationship with his Omega, he may lock himself in his room at first. He'd be terrified of getting out of control and accidentally letting all five of his fingers touching you at once and watching you crumble. 

Your inner omega would be wanting to help your Alpha through this as soon as you saw the desperate need in his eyes. 

It may take a while to find a solution, but eventually you do convince him to try wearing the artist gloves you'd bought him. The kind that cover the pinky and ring finger. You would have to bring these to him before his rut though, or you'd risk him getting angry and destroying them. 

If they work then have mercy on your soul cause this boy would not let you leave his room during his rut ever again. 

You would know when his rut was coming up because he would be more handsy than usual. Marking you with his scent and honestly getting a lot more cuddly than usual. 

Shigaraki would start storing his favorite snacks and such in his room so he wouldn't have to come out of his room except for when he had to use the bathroom. 

You would find your Alpha beyond cute before the time of his ruts, loving the attention he was giving you. 

As soon as it started though, you were more or less trapped in his room as he had his way with you.

After the rut, he would return to a cuddly mess. Whispering how much he loved you and was so happy that you were his Omega. 

He would have completely wrecked your body over the last few days, and would decide to thank you by drawing a bath for the two of you.

Shigaraki would sit behind you in the bath, holding you close and washing you off. 

Afterwards he would bring you back to his room and drift off to sleep with his head nestled in the crook of your neck where your scent gland is. 


Ho boy 

I feel like Alpha Enji Todoroki would be a hot mess during his ruts. Emphasis on hot 

Enji would have your room connected to his so that when he needed you he could have you. 

If you showed any ounce of fear he would force himself to back off and he would go to his training room and blow off steam. He did not want to lose control and hurt his Omega. 

He would prepare you before his ruts, knowing that he can go overboard due to his size compared to you. This man TOWERED over you. 

Enji would bring you gifts, small ones, but the closer to the rut would get more and more suggestive. And there would definitively be something's he would want you to wear for him. 

After his rut he'd be very gentle with you. 

He'd get you cleaned up and if you need some space due to him being too rough then he'd let you do what you need to do.

Expect things like your favorite flowers to pop up in your room, and surprise bubble baths fixed for just you. 

If he's taking a bath with you, expect him to let off little flames from his back to help keep the water warm for as long as you'd like. 

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