⛈Hitoshi x Reader⛈

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I put this down as an angst, but it's not super angsty. But I hope y'all enjoy! 

Quirk Info: Telekinesis. User can move objects with their mind. If used too much, user develops a migraine and nose bleed. They may also pass out if they push themselves too hard.

"H-Hitoshi?" You called through the shut door. "Are you okay? You haven't replied to my texts or calls in a few days."

"Go away, please." Hitoshi called out with a hoarse voice.

"Hitoshi, I just want to help if something's wrong. Please let me in." Leaning your ear against the door you tried to make out any sounds of movement coming from his room. It was quiet for a few moments before you heard footsteps coming closer to the door.

Creaking open, Hitoshi's eyes landed on you. The usual bags under his eyes were darker and hair was messier than you had ever seen it. Your chest tightened just looking at him in this state.

"Hito-" Your voice cracked as a lump in your throat when you tried to speak. Tears came to your eyes. "Toshi... Can I come in?"

Hitoshi grunted, moving to the side and finally letting you into his room. The state of the room shocked you. There was furniture turned over, a few broken glasses, and clothes strewn about with the drawers they were once in.

Arms wrapped around your waist as Hitoshi hugged you from behind. He rested his forehead against the crook of your neck and let out a big sigh. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.

"You don't need to tell me what happened. Just let me be here for you, please don't shut me out." You spoke softly, as though speaking louder would break the boy clinging to you.

Gently, you pulled his arms off of you, and led him to his bed. Crawling in, you made him lay with his head on your chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist once more, but not before grabbing one of your hands and put it back in his hair. Chuckling gently, you resumed massaging his scalp.

Looking around his room, you sighed and activated your quirk. Objects began floating around and drifting back into its designated spot. The drawers that weren't broken went back to place and the clothes folded themselves. Broken glass floated into the trash can in the corner, and the broken drawers beside it.

Once everything had been straightened up, you brought your attention back to Hitoshi. Your left hand was nestled in his hair, while your right trailed along his arm comfortingly. Feeling a wet spot grow on your chest, you attempted to lift his face up to look at you. He refused however, grunting and hiding his face by your neck.

"I know I said you didn't need to tell me what happened, but I... I just want to know you're okay. I don't think I've ever seen you like this before and i-it's really scaring me." Your voice cracked a few times as the lump returned to your throat. "You know you can trust me."

"Why don't the others trust me?" He whispered, barely heard by you. "I haven't done anything, but as soon as others hear about my quirk... it's like they're repulsed by me. Like I'm a villain."

Understanding what must have happened, you pulled him even closer. Cradling his head to your chest, you attempted to calm him down as emotions welled out of him, causing him to begin sobbing. It hurt to see him this broken inside. Years of everyone thinking his quirk would lead to him being a villain had gotten to him. You knew it bothered him, but he had never hit the breaking point before.

All you could do for him at this point was lay there and hold him.

You sat him up right and sat in his lap, straddling him. Laying a soft kiss on his forehead, you made a trail of kisses down to his lips. Ending with a kiss that was sweet, but full of love. His lips followed yours as you pulled away from him, wanting another kiss, but you held his face in place between your hands.

"Toshi," You whispered. "I know it's hard, but don't listen to what those asshats are saying. You know yourself better than anyone, and if you know you're not going to be a villain then you're not going to be one. Your quirk can be used for so much good. If their tiny little minds can't see that, then they aren't worth your thoughts. They're all idiots and they'll see that one day."

Hitoshi smiled at you, placing one of his hands on your hand that held his face and nuzzling into your touch.

"You always know the right things to say." He said, pulling your face to his. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"You were just yourself." You replied, giggling and pecking him on the nose. "I knew that what the others tried to say as so called warnings about you weren't true. I saw you for you, and not what other tried to say you were."

"Thank you for believing in me." Hitoshi whispered before meeting your lips. 

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