Authors Note

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Hello everyone 🧡🧡


🌸 The story starts in their arrival to RPDR, the first few chapters are based on it and I tried to follow the plot exactly as how the show's narrative flows, except of course for the parts that happen "off camera" which are all fiction cause we don't know shit about what really happens when they stop recording.

🌸 During the first chapters there are many time skips so we'll be done with the "during Drag Race" part soon and once they're done with the finale, their life after the show starts developing. From then on it's all fiction. (I know that I don't need to remind y'all cause it's obvious but still, I kinda felt the need to.)

🌸 It's narrated on both Aquaria / Giovanni's POV and Miz Cracker (a.k.a Brianna) / Max's POV.

🌸 Pronouns change on weather they are in drag or not.

🌸 I'm trynna stick to their personalities and form of speaking, and trying to make it as real as possible (or at least as real as a fanfic can get sksjsjs), remember that I don't know them personally soo I can't promise much, just know that I'm trying my best 🥺🤡


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