Chapter 5: Holly crap, hide!

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Miz Cracker / Maxwell's POV

-"Giovanni... I... I don't even know what to say. I appreciate you coming here and apologizing but what did you think would happen? That you'd come here and that everything would be automatically fixed? Things aren't that simple. You hurt me, pretty bad. For the last six months, all I've done is blame myself, thinking that everything was my fault and that we weren't friends anymore because of me. I believed the rumors, I told myself I was unoriginal and unprofessional. I made myself smaller so that you would grow even bigger. When you walked into the bedroom the vibe you exuded was pure egotism. I barely even recognized you, and then with The Vixen thing. I was fucking in the top, so freaking close to winning that first challenge and you had the nerve to call me fake with the rest of the contestants? That's fucked up, Aquaria." -

I stopped talking for a bit. My eyes were pouring and he had the weirdest expression I've ever seen him with. I hadn't even realized how loud I was being and how much it had actually affected me. I breathed slowly and realized that I was being way too harsh on him. He already knew how much he had hurt me. I was trying to get my friend back, not fucking get him depressed. I swallowed, wiped the tears off my face, and kept talking.
-"Gio, you were my friend. Not just that, you were the best friend I had. To this day I still consider you one of the best humans I've ever met. I want to be your friend again. I cared for you so much, we used to have so much fun... What in the hell happened? Why did you have to be so mean to me, what was the need to keep spreading rumors and distancing yourself from me?"

I stared at him. Waiting for an answer. Giovanni looked at me and started crying. "I don't know. I didn't realize how much damage I had caused, not until it was too late. I... I... I care for you Cracker, I want my friend back as well. If I could turn back time and change everything, I swear I would. Please say that you forgive me. Please just give me a chance and I will make everything right for us this time."- I opened my mouth in awe. "Us?" - I asked him. His face turned red and his eyes were wide open. He realized what he had said. -"I.. for us, us in like us, friends, in.. um us friends, you know? I mean, I meant... For YOU... I will make everything right FOR YOU. For you to be okay, I won't lie or like, I don't know like say stuff or wathever, or like, you now?  For you, I meant for you."- He stuttered. I was shocked. He had said "us" and hadn't even realized it? I smiled and let out a little laugh. -"Right, make things better JUST for me... "- I said jokingly, trying to release some of the tension that had been growing on the environment. Giovanni laughed hard and smiled at me. "Shut up Cracker, I mean it. I don't want us to fight anymore. I want my friend back more than anything in the world." - I stared at him for a minute. Trying to figure him out. He was acting just like himself, like the Giovanni I knew. Everything about his words and attitude felt genuine. I had no reason not to forgive him. I smiled at him and nodded my head. "I'm guessing we're friends again now, aren't we?" - I said before laying out a huge chuckle, which made him laugh and before we knew it the whole bedroom was filled with bursts of laughter and happiness. He started walking towards me and hugged me with all of his strength. I cupped my head into his neck and sighed for myself. We stayed like that for a while, perhaps even more than a minute, just hugging. For me, it felt like less than a second. No amount of time had would ever be enough when it involved being with Giovanni...  < shut up cracker you did not just think that> I got out of his arms once I realized that if I stayed there for longer my brain would end up admitting what in the back of my head I already knew.

- "So.. umm.." - I cleared my throat and talked nervously. - "It's almost seven am, time flies, huh?" - I said clumsily while scratching the back of my head because of the nerves. -"Soon someone from the crew will come to pick us up and you better be in your room when that happens."-
-"Oh damn, yeah, you're prolly right. Imma head out now." -
Giovanni and I walked him towards the other side of the room.
- "I'll see you in a few right?" - I asked before opening the door.
-"Of course, you will. In less than half an hour we will all be in the werk room." - he said
- "Damn! That's true! Everyone's expecting us to hate each other. More importantly the producers... What if they ask when did we make peace with each other? They can't know we've been talking off-camera. We're supposed to be locked inside our rooms! What are we gonna do?..." 
- "Chill, Crackie. Let's just pretend that this didn't happen. At least in front of the cameras until all of this is over. I'll come by later tonight so we can talk a bit more okay? Just pretend that you're still mad at me and I'll pretend I don't care. It's good reality TV for everyone and our friendship remains intact. Is that okay with you? Do you feel comfortable with that or would you rather have us reenacting this conversation on camera?"-

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