Chapter 8: He makes me...

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umm NSFW WARNING(?) theres no SEX SEX but there's a little something, so like(?) beware ig(?)

Aquaria's POV

Once Cracker left my room I  couldn't help it but to just start jumping up and down and start giggling from the rush of happiness that I was feeling.
What just happened OH MY GOD? WHAT CAME ONTO ME? How did I not control myself?? It was so intense, and exciting, and joyful and weird and HOLLY FUCKING SHIT I CAN'T EVEN BREATH RIGHT NOW. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I JUST DO? I felt like something came on to me I just wanted to grab his little face and kiss him with my whole heart. WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? I said I wouldn't risk losing our friendship, but having him here, so cute and comfortable. Genuinely interested in becoming my best friend again... but there I go, like a hormonal fucking teenager, teasing the life out of him. Poor Max, I'm sure that he'll be overthinking this for hours. Maybe I will be too, I.. I have no idea of what this means, or how it affects our friendship. But I can't think of him just as a friend anymore, I was so close to kissing him just now and then just when I thought I had won the flirting game he did THAT?? AND THEN LEFT? I was so turned on by the idea of him being close to me, his breathing right next to mine, feeling the warmth of his breath right into my ear was something I didn't think even knew I needed up until now that I had experienced it.

Before I even realized I had been thinking too much about this I noticed the boner that had been growing under my jeans. I was so hard... A little feeling of embarrassment came onto me but it went away very quickly. I thought of taking a shower to relax a bit but I couldn't even control myself to wait until that happened. I pulled down my zipper and got my dick out. I started stroking it up and down, with no one other than Max in my head. I just couldn't stop thinking of him. I closed my eyes and imagined that it was his hand instead of mine, I felt my breathing becoming heavier, my breaths kept growing distance between each other. I felt my skin starting to glow and I could almost feel the warmth of his body right next me. I kept going, faster, soft moans coming out of my mouth. I started sweating and I could control the wimpers and moans, i tried my best but I almost ended up screaming from the amount of pleasure that was streaming through my body. I kept going for a bit and before i noticed I came. Hard. I sighed and tried to control my breathing.

I looked down at my hand and my dick and just sat there. I realized I had to clean myself and the feeling of loneliness came onto me again. All of the joy that was supposed to take over my body after the orgasm just turned into pure sadness. I felt my eyes watering and I stood up, ashamed of myself. I ran into the bathroom and washed my hands. I knew that I had to stop this sad feelings from taking over me because once I started crying it would be too late. I couldn't do it.

I stood there, in the bathroom. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, with tears coming down my face because I felt like Max would never want me as hard as I wanted him. I was so in love with him and the thought of him not wanting me back broke my heart in two. As if I were a little kid at the mall not getting the toy that he wanted I started throwing shit all over the place. My lashes, my deodorant, shampoo, gel, everything that was on the bathroom counter I just took it and tried to smash it against the floor. Then my knees won me over and I felt the cold ground hitting against my pale skin. I started weeping and continued to audibly cry until i felt completely empty. I knew that I had to start controlling myself. He was just playing along with what I had done. I needed to stop.

I stood up and picked up everything I had thrown during my tantrum. I had broken down many of my things. An old glass contained cologne was splattered all over the floor and that was what made me feel the worst. I picked up the glass pieces, one by one, I was almost done but when I went to pick the last piece I got distracted and without realizing i cut my finger open. Nothing too deep. Just a little bit of blood. I got squeamish and quickly washed my hands. I threw away the shattered glass inside of a small paper bag so whoever took it the next day wouldn't be at any risk of cutting themselve.

After that, I took a quick shower to finally clear my head but once again my mind went to Cracker. I looked at my now flacid dick and grabbed it without even thinking. The hot water was running down my body and my hand started stroking my cock, this time I started slow but the speed quickly flew up sky high. I had to put one of my hands against the bathroom wall because of how hard my legs were shaking. I shut my eyes and just went with the flow of my body. Soon after I came again. Much harder this time. I finished cleaning myself and turned off the shower handles. I grabbed ny towel and got into my pajamas quicky. I got into bed with my hair still wet. I was way too tired. I couldn't even keep my eyes open for more than a minute. The next day was elimination day and I had to be ready. I rolled around in bed for a little while and then suddenly drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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