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E L L E -

I waited in the hall while Shawn was talking to Adam, I was kind of anxious but I didn't want to speak to him right now. He was getting out of hand becoming such a rebel and no one knows why.

But there's two reasons, either he's turning out to be exactly like Shawn.

Or that girl he's obsessed over.

But whatever it is, I hope he sorts this attitude out of his because it hurts me, the way he behaves sometimes. It's completely ridiculous.

Adam stormed out of the office in a terrible mood and went up to his room, while Shawn came out with a loud sigh.

"I'm guessing that didn't go well" I say and he shrugged.

"I mean it went better than I thought it would" he says.

"I told him he's grounded and he's not allowed out at all as the guards on duty won't let him step out of the house. And he said he will apologise to you" Shawn explains and I nodded.

"But don't worry I promise that this is just a phase" he says pressing a kiss to my lips.

"I hope" I sighed as he hugged me tightly.

"Anyway Lance and Cole are downstairs" I say.

"Great they're on time, we're heading out for the evening and we will be back soon" Shawn says and I nodded.

"What time will you be back home?" I asked.

"Just after dinner, probably around 10pm" he says and I frowned.

"Just keep the bed warm for me, and as soon as I come him I'll get into bed" he says.

"Promise?" I asks and he grins pulling out his pinky finger which I wrapped my pinky around.

"Promise" he says as he placed a kiss to our wrapped pinky's making me smile.

Then we headed downstairs and immediately Angel turned head towards us.

"Daddy where is my pony?" Angel immediately asks when she seen us.

"Baby I told you it's was a secret" he says and then motions for her to stop talking about it.

"But you promised" she exclaimed.

"You said you want it for Christmas so you're going to have to wait" he says calmly.

"Can I have it tomorrow instead?" She asks.

"How about you and mommy bake me some muffins?" Shawn says changing the topic.

"Then can I have a pony" she beams and Shawn face palms.

"Zack watch it!" I yelled but before he could stop he hit his head against the cabinet door and fell straight back down.

"He's accident-prone" Cole laughs.

"And Adam was the one you dropped as a baby" Lance cackles only making everyone else laugh.

"That was one time!" Shawn argued.

"I'm surprised you didn't drop Angel, she was the tiniest" Lance says.

"I would never drop Angel, I was so careful with her" he defends as he placed a kiss on Angel's cheeks.

While they argued I help Zack up on to a chair placed a bag of frozen peas on his head. He groaned from the pain and I frowned because the bump on his head looked pretty painful.

"Why didn't you name Zack, Lance junior?" Lance asks.

"Why did you name him Zack?" He adds.

"Ask Elle she named him Zack" Shawn says and he turned to me.

"Well, we met a really nice nurse and his name was Zack. He was so kind and caring, and I also fell in love with that name" I explained.

"You named him after a nurse you met? But not me?" Lance exclaims.

"That's not what I meant! I mean like I named him that - because - well- um- fine I did name him after a nurse" I say and they all laughed.

"But only because he was so kind and sometimes people's name match their personalities. I would never name any of my kids Jessica because every Jessica I've ever met has been a b— bad person. Do you understand what I mean?" I explained.

"See, and Zack has turned out to be the kindest and sweetest boy I know" I say and he smiled.

"What about me Mommy?" Angel asks.

"Daddy name you actually" I say and she grinned.

"I named you Angel because the moment I looked down into the bassinet, all I see was a tiny little baby wrapped up in a white blanket. The second I laid my eyes on you all I saw was a little angel, and that's why we named you Angel" Shawn explained and Cole 'awed' at Shawn's explanation.

My heart melted, I just remembered the sweet moment Shawn held Angel for the first time.

He actually shed a tear when he first seen her.

"Did you pass out at the birth?" Cole jokes and I giggled.

"It was the first time only, since then I was stronger" Shawn argued and I let out a laugh.

"And I was the one who actually gave birth, you just had to witness it" I say.

"Well I mean it was scary looking at-" he stopped mid sentence and looked at me. I immediately knew what he was going to say.

"That's enough baby talk for now" I quickly say.

"Maybe you guys should have another one? And I'll take Angel" Cole says.

"Nope" Shawn and I say at the same time.

"Amara and Alissa are not this little anymore and I miss that" Cole complains.

"Why don't you have another then?" Lance says.

"Because I'm too old" Cole says and we all laughed.

"Well we're old too" Shawn says.

"Elle still looks around twenty, I'm sure you could pop another" Cole says and I smiled.

"Thank you, you're the only one who doesn't make me feel old" I say as I looked at Shawn who rolled his eyes.

"But we can't have another one anyway, it's too much and we can barley handle Angel" Shawn says.

"Well we need to head out" Lance says and Shawn head out of the door with guys.

"Mommy I want chicken nuggies please!" Angel yells excitedly...
A/N: I promise it's going to get better, just be patient :)

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