"Im not crazy"

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Shoutout to @Mindless_Is_Me thank you so much for helping this story become what it is today I really really really appreciate it tons you just don't even know and I am grateful for it thank you soooo much again!

Y/N pov

I finally just passed out from all the screaming and yelling in the car and was awoken by someone shaking me.

I don't know where I was at all, I couldn't remember a thing. I knew it was getting late as the sun started to set.

I felt the wind against my skin and my body bring forced up in a walking stance.

Than gradually being pulled again I felt stairs underneath me. My body was limp and weak it felt like I was spaghetti.

"Y/N" I heard a whisper/ scream saying to me, opening my eyes a little so I could see it was a little blurry.

I seen Nia tied up in the chair in the middle of the basement. Well now I know where she was.

Chresanto chained me up against the wall and left to go up stairs he was mumbling long something while exiting the room like he was frustrated. He kidnapped me and Nia and killed Perri please don't tell me he has a split personality too now.

"Nia, what happened how did you.... when did you get here? How long have you been here?" I was trying to ask all these questions trying to get answers.

"Y/N! calm down okay as long as someone knows where I am right now that's all that matters right now, now we have to find a way out of here."

"What did you see when you came in? was it morning or night? Where is khelani? where is Jacob ?"

"Okay we both need to calm down right now and relax and try and figure out a plan all of those other questions will be answered once we figure out how to get out of here."

"Okay, we can't do anything though I'm tied and your chained how the hell do we get ourselves out?"

"We will figure something out just relax for now." But not noticing that she had any bruises in her face and body until now.

"Nia! What the hell did he do to you?"

"Nothing......." she said into a whisper.

"Nia! Don't lie to me, for that bastard to kidnap you is one thing but for him to put his hands on you is another."

"Y/N just shut up okay, I know ht he is doing to me is wrong but I can't do anything to stop him if I do I could have been dead by now.
"I'm lucky to even be alive right now, I'd rather be taking his abuse right now than to be dead in a ditch"

I honestly don't have anything to say back. I just stayed silent for the rest of the night until falling asleep.

Chresanto pov

I'm not crazy so don't call me that its just that i want what i want and do what i do i didn't mean to harm kill or kidnap anyone its just that something told me to in my head and i followed through with the plan i never knew i was capable of doing something like that.

Kidnapping them wasn't apart of the plan but it just happened neither was killing perri but things don't go as planned she was just a pawn in my game and then she started to catch feelings but than she also tried to kill me as well so i reacted and killed her first before she could do anything

i think I'm sane and have good intentions but its like there is a little voice inside of my head telling me to do things. I don't know how to explain it but it happens.

i was walking from the basment as madness was in my head and went to the kitchen. Thinking of a way to loure Khelani here or somehwere else alone i want her not them and i know she knows it too. Thereye just pawns in my game nothing more now abusing Nia was a bit to far but i take my frustrations out on things i dont mean to.

I heard a noise outside being the paranoid person I am i went to go check it out.....

Khelani Pov

After that night Jacob spent the night everything just went bad i got a call from the cops saying that one of my friends died and and one kidnapped what is wrong with people nawdays.

I've been trying to stay strong for my sister i really don't want her to see me this way i don't want her to even experience half the things i went through.

I sat on the bed a cried and i knew at that moment i had to get on my knees and pray i haven't talked to my grandmother in a while she would always know what to do and i need her in this moment.

my sister had walked in the room waiting for me to acknowledge her present.

'Hey Lani are you okay?" she asked me concerned she knows what I've been going through and she knows its hard for me at the moment.

"honestly Ariyonna its not at all." I know she wants to help but I'm not trying to have her caught up in things like this.

she came over to me a kneeled beside me to give me a hug and weeped into my shirt. She doesnt have anyhting to be sorry for.

"everything is going to be okay sissy." i said trying to calm her.

she countiuned to cry a little bit.

"I need you to pack a weeks worth of clothes and see if you can spend the night at one of your friends house., Okay?"

"Yeah i can do that but what for?

"Because i dont want you at the house alone while i go handle some business with your so called Uncle." ughh that bastard.

"Okay but just promise me that you will come back though right?"

"I cant really promise anything right now."


Part two of this convo will be coming tomorrow i had to keep retyping this chapter because it would delete most of everything so that is what i have for now and part two will be coming for you guys tomorrow.



hey lotuses how are you guys !!!

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