Chapter 18:2nd Concert and A Girl from overseas

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Sunday morning after what happened yesterday at 5pb's concert,you woke up from bed,had a breakfast that Compa already prepared at your table and ready for another daily activity in your day off but you heard a knocking on your door.

(Y/N):Just a second.

You opened the door and it was Vert who's knocking on your door.

Vert:Good morning,(Y/N).

(Y/N):Oh,Vert,good morning,do you need something?

Vert:Yes,this is a request from 5pb for you,she want you to come to her 2nd concert today.

(Y/N):5pb is holding another concert after what happened yesterday right?

Vert:Exactly,after what happened yesterday everyones mood seems to be down so she held another concert to raise everyone mood again.

(Y/N):Allright,I'll go change first you don't mind waiting for me?

Vert:Go ahead,I'll be waiting.

You took bath for a while and change your clothes,also not forget to used your white neckwarmer just in case along with your white trench coat.

(Y/N):Sorry for the wait

Vert:Shall we go now,(Y/N)?

(Y/N):Okay,let's go.

Before you can headed out you were stopped by Plutia who gave you two plushies of you in white and black coat.

Plutia:(Y/NNN) waiit.

(Y/N):Plutia,what is it?

Plutia:Heeerre,i made plushies of you took me time to make it.

(Y/N):Thank you,Plutia,Vert i'm going to put these plushies in my room, don't mind to wait again?

Vert:Sure,take your time.

A few seconds later after you put your plushies.

(Y/N):Sorry for the wait again,let's go Vert.

Plutia:Heeeey,where are you going?

Vert:Oh,we just want to go to 5pb's 2nd concert.

Plutia:Can i come too?

(Y/N):Have you finish your job at Basilicom?

Plutia:"smile"Alllreeaaady done!

(Y/N):Okay,you can come too.


(Y/N):You better not lie about your work,Plutia.

Plutia:Pinky promise.

Vert:"Chuckle"you are like older brother looking after his sister's homework.

(Y/N):Gotta make sure everythings done,so we can refresh ourself after work,we should get going now.

Vert:You're right,(Y/N) did you have breakfast this morning? I'm worried if you're going to be hungry at the concert.

(Y/N):I already have breakfast earlier,it was one good breakfast from Compa.

Vert:Good,we can go now,let's go Plutia,(Y/N).


You,Vert and Plutia went to Planeptune Express Station headed to Leanbox,during the trip Vert told you that she wanted to introduce her friend to you who came from PC Continent.

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