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You wake up

You feel naked and.... strange

You never felt so powerless and small before

"What is going on?!" you ask yourself, looking around you see that you're inside a cage with no.... roof.

I might have done some stupid crimes in my life like illegally downloading music and movies, but is this the punishment I get for doing that!

I try getting up, but to no avail, my hands and feet seems to be asleep. My captors must've have sedated my limbs to prevent me from escaping.

Then that must mean that this roofless cage is a taunt against me! A taunt against old helpless me! I might be 63 years old, but I'm a retired MI6 and SAS operative you twats!

They say never underestimate an old man in a profession where the men usually die young.

"Just you wait! I will eventually get out of here you fiends!" I scream, attempting to get their attention by annoying them "You're all twats!My grandchildren with their heads in their ass could do better than this!"

I continued to spout nonsensical insults at them, occasionally stopping because my throat started to get hoarse.




In the


Bloody hell



The booming sound of what seems like footsteps gradually grew louder and louder until eventually, two gigantic hands came from the sky and grabbed me away from my cage.

"A GIANT! I never killed a Giant before! This will be a glorious way to die! Do you worst villian, I'll do mine!" I shouted, preparing for the worst

I readied myself to leap at the giants eyes and punch it, fortunately for the Giant my arms are sedated.


Oh well, I lived as I died and died as I lived.

Do your worst!

While waiting for my inevitable death, something was suddenly placed in my mouth.

What is this.... weird....way of.... killing... Hmm..

This taste like milk.

What the hell? This is milk!

Am I suddenly being adopted by a giant?

After a few minutes of being fed milk by the giant. I started to realize something.

I should be dead

Like really, I should be in a coffin right now

Dead, like dead dead

Dead like William Wallace

Dead like a guy who got killed

Dead like a bullet to the head

Then it hits me.

I reincarnated!

*rolls credit*








No but really.

What is happening?

Who the hell put me here?

Why me?

It's better to stop asking questions and just go with it.

And that exactly what I'll do.

After a few more minutes of being fed milk like a pathetic baby (which I am) I started to gain a better vision of where I really am.

I was in the delivery room with several other potato looking babies. The midwife was carrying me and gently pat my back to let me burp.

Well, for your information, I am an esteemed gentleman that trained with England's finest butlers to learn proper etiquette and manners. I will not perform such disgraceful act such as bu-


"That was quite a huge burp for someone small like you." spoke the midwife, adding more salt to the wounds.



"A tragic and sad news has just been reported to us. (Y/N) Churchill, who prevented numerous terrorists attacks, died at the age of 63 after his harsh battle with Pneumonia. Her majesty and Prince Charles is paying respect to Churchill's family. He has truly followed the steps his father Jack Churchill has stepped before."

The day Y/N Churchill died, so did the title of of, "Laughing Jack".

He never knew that he was known for his acts of Courage and Valor

All he knew, was that he lived his life well fighting Communists and Bad Guys.

He will be written in the history books as one of England's courageous men.

His legacy will carry on.

Reincarnating with a Status Bar (League of Legend x Reincarnated Male Agent)Where stories live. Discover now