September 1, 2014

298 14 7

Just so you know, this chap won't start as Rydel writing in her diary. Minor change. You'll understand because she can't write while getting ready for school :) Btw this is ALSO going to be a long chapter. For your pleasure :)


I woke up this morning almost falling off my bed. 

"Maia! Laura!" I whispered while shaking them aggressively. "School!!"

They both woke up looking tired. Maia looked around as if she didn't know where she was.

"Oh, right" Maia whispered to herself. She rubbed her eyes.

"ugh, I didn't get to sleep AT ALL last night!" Laura moaned. She brushed her lap. 

I whipped my blanket off me and stood up. "Come one guys!" I gave them gestures in a come-on way with my hands.

Maia rolled her eyes and also pushed her blanket aside, slowly getting up. Laura did so too. 

I walked to my closet with them. Maia unpacked her outfit and Laura did too. 

"Oh shit!" Laura yelled.

"What?" I questioned.

"I totally forgot my boots." She complained. 

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Well, you can borrow mine." I  said.

"I'm not your size, my feet are way smaller than yours." She complained once again.

"Well, the smallest foot in the family is Ryland's" I reasoned. 

"No, there is no way I am going to wear boy shoes" 

"Well, he has converse" I said.

She rolled her eyes "Fine, I'll wear his converse." 

Maia laughed at her and pulled out her shoes. "Atleast I didn't forget mine" 

Laura playfully hit her. I laughed at them. 

Maia was wearing a short sleeved neon yellow crop-top with black jeans and brown boots. Laura was wearing a long sleeved navy blue shirt with a lacy back and black jeans and Ryland's converse. I was wearing a dress, floral sorta. It was navy blue also with pink flowers printed on it, I paired it with brown sandals. 

I entered the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I went downstairs for breakfast. We all ate pancakes. Then I went to the bathroom upstairs AGAIN because I realized I need to brush my teeth AGAIN. 

After all the circles I turned around the house we were all leaving. It was kinda weird, squishing through the door with a bunch of other people there. After we fit through we walked to school together. Every morning, my bff's, my brothers and I walk to school together, it's such a big group. I'm going to miss that when I head off for college.

        I wish I could just stay a teenager forever. Along with my bestfriends, and my bro's. I looked around as I walked to school. 

"Guys, remember Butterfly?" I whispered to both of them.

"Butterfly Bell?" Maia asked. I nodded.

"Oh, I remember her! She was such a mean girl. By the way, who would name there kid butterfly?" Laura said. Maia shrugged.

        Butterfly Bell was also a mean girl. She was Sabrina's best friend. They were both really snotty. I hated them a lot. Although, the guys mainly chased after Butterfly. Her gorgeous green eyes, her long curly blonde hair, the fact that she always donated to charity and her incredibly high and adorable voice made all the guys fall for her.

Dear Diary, --IN MAJOR EDITING--Where stories live. Discover now