September 10, 2014

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                                                                       September 10, 2014

Dear Diary,

Today, Maia is going to the doctors to take a pregnancy test.


I don't even have a boyfriend and she might be pregnant. AND IT'S MY BROTHER'S LIKE WTF.....

If you were wondering WHICH brother, it was Ross's. Yes diary, the second youngest. MY TWIN BROTHER. Ross. Shor. Lynch.

I is super sad, I don't have a life. 

This pregnancy test is just between you, me, Maia and Ross okay diary? DON'T LET ANYONE READ YOU!

I have to remember to lock this thing, or else Rocky or Ryland or Riker is going to sneak up to my room and read this and then the WHOLE world will know MAIA IS PREGNANT (maybe) WITH ROSS'S BABY.

I'm not mad, I'm just surprised. Surprised, surprised, surprised. And being surprised is not always a good thing, diary.

Anyways, Maia and Ross are waiting for me downstairs to go, so bye diary. Thanks for listening.

Love, Rydel

I put my diary under 3 pillows and walked downstairs, where Maia and Ross were waiting by the door.

"So, let's go" I said

Mom stopped us "Where are you going?"

We 3 froze "We are going to the, uh, ARCADE" Ross lied.

"Well, can you take Ryland with you?" Mom asked.

"Uh, no. It's a 18 years or older arcade." Maia lied. Mom nodded as if she knew something was going on.

"Well we better get going!" I exclaimed "Don't want to miss the appoint-bear prize." I stuttered. Soon enough, we were all out the door.

"YOU GUYS!!" I whisper/yelled. "We almost got busted!"

"I know," Maia said. We all got into Ross's car and he started driving.

"Rydel," She said "I'm scared" 

"Maia, it's gonna be okay" I said, rubbing her back.

When we arrived at the doctor's, Maia did the little check-in thing and 5 minutes later they called her in. 

Ross and I stayed in the waiting room. 45 minutes later she came out with a piece of paper in her hand.

"Read it" She cried, handing it to Ross.

Ross read it all, after he read it he said "Positive...."

Maia covered her mouth and started crying. I hugged her. 

Ross said "I'm so sorry babe" 

"Sorry won't do anything, Ross! I'm pregnant with YOUR baby, and I'm only 18!"


"Don't 'babe' me! I don't want to be near you!!" Maia yelled.

"Maia, people are staring"

"I don't care!" She screamed pulling her arms away from Ross. 


"I'm leaving, I don't want to hear you!!" She screamed walking outside.

Oh my gosh, what is happening?

Ross followed after her handing the piece of paper to me.

"MAIA!!" He yelled. I went outside with them. Hey, he's my brother and she's my best friend. I have a PERFECT reason to be out there.

Maia stopped "Ross, I'm sorry. This is just too much, we're breaking up" She said, crying.

"Maia......Don't leave me"

"I'm sorry Ross."

"How can you be mad at me?!" He yelled.

Maia turned around. "I don't know, how CAN I be mad at you?" She cried.

"It's not my fault your pregnant!" Ross yelled. Oh my god, Ross. How can you be so stupid?

"What do you mean 'it's not your fault'? This is YOUR BABY!!!" Maia screamed. "Ross, just face it. You don't know who I really am or what I've been through"

"Since when did this argument turn into who you are?!" Ross yelled.

That's when instead of Maia or Ross crying, I did.

"GUYS!! JUST STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. 

They both stared at me.

"Rydel, stay out of this" Ross said. 

I nodded "You're right. I don't know what you brought me here for"

"Who said I wanted you here?" Ross questioned.

"ROSS!" Maia screamed

"No, he's right. What was I born for? I'm clearly just a waste of space." I said, running away as far as I possibly could.

Running like my life depended on it.

Because it did.......

I could hear Ross after me. He never caught up to me. 

"RYDEL!!" Ross yelled.

I never stopped running. And instead of going home, I went the opposite direction. 

I sat down on a bench in a park. I didn't even know what the park was called, I just ran for it and ended up here.

I started crying into my hands. 


OMG I JUST CRIED READING OVER THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's soooo sad. Short but sad :(. Kay, Bye Loves!!

Dear Diary, --IN MAJOR EDITING--Where stories live. Discover now