September 17, 2014

185 10 6

Dear Diary,

Life is so crappy. I can't believe that Laura's moving away. I just can't.

I just wish I was never born. 

So, we're going on tour tomorrow. Missing ANOTHER 4 MONTHS OF SCHOOL! Ugh, this is one of the MANY MANY reasons I wish I was homeschooled. 

I'm going to stop writing. Maia just got home.

Love, Rydel

"DELLY IM HERE!!" She yelled, I heard her walk up the stairs.

She opened the door to my room "Hello there, Maia" I greeted. 

"I think I'm sick." She said, blowing a piece of hair out of her face.

"I think I'm sick too. We're going on tour tomorrow."

"How long?" She asked.

"4 months"

"Ugh. I can't believe how hard life is! I think I'm gonna die" She complained and flopped herself on my bed. 

"I know. I can't believe Laura's moving tomorrow. I don't want her to!"

"What if she stays with me? I have a huge house to myself! I wouldn't mind sharing it with her!" 

"I don't think she'll allow it. She's going to Canada, everybody loves Canada."

"Well, do they have Burger King in Canada?"

"Yes, Maia. They have Burger King in Canada"

"Well....Black Friday?"


"Those Ketchup Potato chips?"

"Those are orginally from Canada, stupid!" I laughed. 

"How about Dollar Tree? That's her favorite store."

"Yes, there is Dollar Tree in Canada"

"How do you know?"

"I went to Canada 7 times. I know what Canada's like."


"Laura has a real gumball machine, you think she doesn't have quarters?"

 "Right. Well, I guess there's no convincing her in staying, is there?"

"Not really, nope."

Maia sighed "I can't believe that Laura's moving so far away. I wish she could stay"

"I do too. I'm very scared" 

"I'm even more! Laura has been our bestest friend since......Elementary?"

I nodded. "Actually, Kindergarten"

"MORE of a reason!"

"Mhmm. I don't want her to move away"

"I don't either!" 

We heard the door downstairs open. We both raced downstairs to see who it was.

To our suprises (not really), it was Laura.

"Maia, Rydel. Changing plans, my flight is today"

"WHAT?!" we both yelled.


"It's not my choice to move away! It's my aunt's!"

"You can stay at my place!" Maia yelled.

"No Maia! I HAVE to move away! Even if I wanted to stay with you guys, I can't."

"Why not?!" I yelled.

"Because my Aunt won't allow it! She WANTS me to go to Canada with her!!" Laura yelled as the sharp car beep came from outside. "I have to go catch my flight"

" can't just-"

"I don't have a choice! So, this is goodbye! I'm sorry!" She said, almost bursting into tears.

We 3 went into group hug, all crying. None of us could believe Laura was moving away.

"Goodbye..." Laura said as she started walking over to her Aunt's car.

"NEVER REPLACE US!!!" Maia yelled.

"Maia! NOBODY can replace us. EVER."

"LAURA!!" Maia yelled. 

"BYE GUYS!!" Laura yelled.

The car started moving. We broke into tears at that moment. We couldn't believe that Laura was gone....


:'(. I'm sorry for making y'all cry. Woopsies. Kay, Bye Loves!!!

Dear Diary, --IN MAJOR EDITING--Where stories live. Discover now