Chapter 18

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Tom's POV:
Just my luck. The school I choose has to be
y/n's school. Maybe I can try and get her back?

Ugh what am I thinking, she doesn't want me back. I can tell. Especially when I smiled at her and she death stared me and looked away.

I look at the class and every girl in the room is staring at me with love eyes, except for the only girl I care about...

y/n's POV:
"Class you are dismissed" my teacher says
We all hurry to get out of the classroom.

Before I could turn around the corner away from everyone. Someone taps me on the back. I already know who it is.

"y/n wait" he says
"What" I say while turning around, rolling my eyes
"Uhhh...What class do we have next?" He asks.
"Seriously that's it?" I asks
He nods
"Gym" I say while turning back around.
"Wait" He says
"No I'm not walking with you there" I say continuing to walk.

Tom's POV:
I miss her. I need to get her back. Whatever it takes, I'll do it.

I walk to gym but before I could even enter the classroom a few girls come up to me.

"So, Tom right?" The leader asks me
I nod
"You don't really talk. You lucky your looks make up for it" one of them says
"Ok" I say while pushing past them to go to class
"Wait. Your really hot you know. We should go out sometime" the leader asks me
"Uhh... I'm fine thanks" I say while seeing y/n in the corner of my eye staring at us
"What?!" The leader says
"Nobody rejects me" the leader says
"Well I just did" I respond while walking away

I hear them all gasp and talk about me but honestly I don't care.

y/n's POV:
I see Brittany, Ashley and Heather flirting with Tom and my jealously side comes out. Why are they flirting with him.

Ugh. I shouldn't care but I do. It really bothers me. When Tom rejected Brittany I felt relieved. I really don't want Tom going out with her.

I want Tom...

*hope you enjoyed!*

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