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Venomous pins you down to the bed making you all nervous and flustered, then you pull him closer to your face and kissed him.
He melts in the kiss then lets go and showered you with kisses which made you giggle a lot, "That tickles!" You say trying to contain laughter. "Good." He continues but you suddenly push him down and now you're the one ontop of him.

"I love you." You say softly and silently, then he puts a hand on your cheek making you collapse on his chest. "I love you more." You two kiss each other again then went to sleep.

You hear a child cry which sounded like she was nearby you, you search around the tall golden grass which was everywhere and you found a little girl crouched and was crying.
She had long black hair with your [e/c] and a light purple tint for skin which reminded you of Venomous, her hair was everywhere and flowers were all over it which looked beautiful.
"Why are you crying little girl?" Her voices were full of hics and sobs then she stood up and cleaned up her cute dress and looked up to you,her eyes were puffy from crying and she spoke with a soothing soft voice. "Mommy is hurt and Daddy is sad." She points to the couple which looked like; No, it was, you and Venomous. You laid down on his arms while he looked like he was panicking, the child had started to cry again. You kneel down to her and offered her a handkercheif "Mommy will be fine,I promise!" She wipes her tears and smiled at you, then a shadow hovers over you and her and as you look up you saw..Your mother.

You woke up sweating and looking around, you looked at the alarm clock and it looks like it's already 7 am which means Fink and Venomous are probably both awake already.
You got dressed and looked at the shiny ring on your hand and smiled at the mirror, you went downstairs and looked at Venomous and Fink which were both sitting together on a couch.

"[Y/N] are you ready to tell them?" "This early?" You tilt your head and he nods, Fink runs up to you and hugged your legs. You carry her and looked at Venomous and smiled "I'm so ready to tell everyone I'm married to a super cool villain and have a cute little minion for a daughter." Fink and Venomous lights up and you all go to the room in which Venomous has calls with the Congresswoman.

Venomous' hollagraphic screen opens and the Congresswoman was there "Are you finally going to announce the answer to everyone's question?" She asks snarkly then looked at you and smiled, Venomous nods and suddenly Congresswoman signals that people can hear us from plaza to boxmore now.

Venomous looks at me then back at the screen then coughed. "As you all may have noticed, me and [Y/N] had been very close for a long time now." He then discusses a lot of things that you don't understand and then he smiles at you.
"That brings us to our relationship, you see," He lifts my hand which had the ring on and his hand which had his ring on, Fink gets excited and poked out her tongue at the screen which seemed to sign she was bragging.
"You see, me and [Y/N] are engaged and there's no harm in that." He says then looked at me.
"Although he may be a villain and I may be a hero, we still love each other and you haven't really seen him attack the plaza so.." you smiled back at him.
"We really do love each other." After that the little announcement ends and the congresswoman shockedly congratulated you and Venomous, the call soon ended and you three went for dinner.

"So that kid is married to a villain." A male voice says "It doesn't suprise me, afterall they are a good pair, they're both stupid." The man continued and clenched his fists.
"But what about our reputation for POINT?! What if everyone thinks we support that idiot!" A woman replies.
"Then we'll just have to kill them." The man replies without any hesitation in his voice.

(A/N : hey guys as you can see above your future child had been revealed, and I really want yall to vote on a name!

1. Eileen
2. Diantha
3. Athanasia
4. Persephone
5. Suggest!

Thanks for supporting EoY!)

Professor Venomous X Reader : Echoes of YesterdayWhere stories live. Discover now