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"no way! he found out?" seungmin shouts at the lunch table almost too loudly.

the three of them, seungmin, hyunjin and jisung were all at lunch at school eating.

"oh my god seungmin be quiet, but yes he did. i wish he didn't but it's kinda my fault for getting drunk at the party in the first place. i met his friends though." jisung adds taking a bite of his lunch. "who are they?" hyunjin asks.

"there was this guy named chris and jeongin...jeongin calls him channie? i dunno. there was also felix and changbin. i think felix is from australia though." jisung starts. "jeongin and chris?" seungmin asks. "does jeongin have braces?" seungmin adds and jisung nods. "THAT BITCH!" seungmin hisses slamming his hands on the table.

"he told me he stopped seeing that chan dude months ago!" he groans pulling his hair. "hey, chill out dandy boy. why is it so important anyways...?" hyunjin asks. "jeongin is 17! chris? he's fucking 20!" seungmin hisses back. "for gods sake i warned that boy not to be with that aussie fuck boy, but noooo he just had to be with him."

"chris is from australia?" jisung asks now with wide eyes and curiosity lacing his voice. "yeah. christopher bang. apparently he came here and works with changbin in a rapping group and is under jyp entertainment. for gods sake he's too much of a fuck boy to be with someone like jeongin. poor innie probably can't even walk for days when he's in bed with him." seungmin sighed.

"well when i met them jeongin seemed like he was head over heels for the guy. why don't you support them?" jisung asks again. "well, it's just awkward y'know? jeongin is still a minor and chris is 20 years old." seungmin says with a worried face. "i agree with min. jeongin is so young and chris is practically in college." hyunjin then replies rubbing seungmin's back while seungmin sighs in distress.

"it's alright baby, maybe things will work out in the end." hyunjin smiles pulling him in for an embrace. "it's just that jeongin is like a little brother to me. we practically lived with each other all our life from primary school all the way til now." seungmin then frowns.

"hey! let's not be on a bad note here! how is school going?" jisung tries to brighten the mood. "it's all well so far. mr. kim is killing me though." hyunjin sighed. "you?"

"i'm struggling so much in ms. lay's class." jisung chuckles. "mom says i need to get tutored. she's not wrong though. if i don't get my grade up this semester i'm not gonna graduate. watch me drop out." jisung stuffs his face with fries.

as the bell rang the 3 boys waved their goodbyes as they headed to their class. jisung went into ms. lay's class, the one he was failing currently. and shockingly enough there was a certain someone there, lee minho.

jisung stopped at his tracks to see the elder stacking up papers on his desk and getting the agenda ready on the board. he turned, and smiled and jisung.

"didn't know you're in this class. take a seat." minho smiles and jisung nods awkwardly taking his seat and getting his books out.

as the entire class began to flood in he wrote his name on the board as "mr. lee" and began his lesson.

"hello class! i am mr. lee. ms. lay is ill so i am going to be your substitute for today. remember that even if ms. lay is not here i still have rules but i'm not as strict. if any of you knuckle-heads misbehave i will have to enforce rules like always so don't act stupid." minho chuckles getting his glasses out.

jisung swore he could hear girls fawning over minho saying things like, "oh my gosh he's perfect!" or "back off bitch, he's mine!"

jisung rolled his eyes at their immaturity and continued doing his worksheet until he sees minho walking around eyeing the students.

jisung's heart raced as he saw minho walking over to his desk and his palms became hot and sweaty and he swore his cheeks turned redder than ever before. and it happened; minho was at jisung's desk.

"what are you working on sung?" minho asks with twinkling eyes. "i'm working on the literary worksheet from friday..." jisung hesitantly said. "i see, keep up the good work." minho winks and jisung just nods.

it wasn't long until class was over and surprisingly enough ms. lay came early and thanked minho for being in the class. just before jisung was about to leave, ms. lay asked him to stay.

"han jisung i expected more of you. you're failing my class." ms. lay bluntly. "you need help in order to pass my class this semester. if not, you won't be able to graduate this year."

"i need someone to tutor you jisung, or your future isn't in good hands." ms. lay sighs. "i can tutor him." minho suddenly intervenes making jisung turn with widened eyes. "that would be wonderful mr. lee!" ms. lay lights up with a joyful smile. "you two make arrangements. jisung i expect in 3 weeks you are passing this class. understood?" she raises her brow and jisung nods vigourously.

"right, you two run along now. have a safe weekend." she says dismissing them.

after the two exited the building without hesitation, jisung comes up to minho and says;

"what the fuck was that!" jisung scolds pulling at minho's hair. "hey! why are you getting so pissed?" minho groans and pushes jisung away. "dick! you just show up to my school? and you find out about my little secret? are you fucking serious? then you even decide to be my english teacher? not only that i got drunk! i barely even know you lee minho." jisung says at him with dead eyes.

"stop yelling at me. you agreed to go to the party in the first place, and can i not just get some extra cash? god damn." minho rolls his eyes. "and you heard ms. lay, she wants you passing in 3 weeks." minho replies. it was no surprise how much of a pedant jisung was being towards minho right now. he was beyond pissed.

jisung huffs his cheeks and sighs; "fine, whatever. show up to my house saturday at 3pm." jisung says.

"perfect." minho smirks. "oh and by the way, pull my hair more."

"it was pretty hot." he chuckles coming close before walking away.

"what the fuck just happened."

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