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the sun shined as jisung awoke to the smell
of waffles and sweet syrup from the kitchen. he  opened his eyes rubbing them to awaken and checked the time on his phone.

8:57 am.

he yawns, and slips out of the soft plush bed and goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth. he looks in the mirror and notices his dark circles, and his clothes freshly pressed and folded. he gives a small smile seeing a notice from changbin and felix and picks it up. it reads;

'so sorry about last night. leave anytime you need to, our driver will take you anywhere. it's the least we can do.'

'much love,

s. changbin, l. felix'

he smiles at their kind words and brushes out his semi messy hair and begins to brush his teeth. after that, he walks down he sees changbin and felix having coffee at the table. "good morning jisung." changbin says smiling.

"morning..." jisung yawns grabbing a cup of coffee on the counter. "i hope my presence isn't too much for you guys at this time of day." jisung mumbles. "don't be silly! you're always welcome. it would probably be safer if you came with us anyways. now that we got away from that crazy bitch." felix chuckles. "come sit, you look famished." changbin says signaling him to sit.

"sleep well?" changbin asks. "yes, in fact i don't think i've sleep that well in years. i've gotta get a mattress like that." jisung sighs with a smile. "so felix told me you and minho hung out saturday, how did that go?" changbin raises a brow. " went well." jisung replies. god is it that serious that him and minho banged? "i'm just playing man. i know you've been fancying minho for awhile." he laughs leaving a confused jisung.

"hyunjin would talk about how you always stare at him at work. he joked about how one day you guys would get together." felix adds. "at least you know about seulgi. better late that never."

at that moment a text pops up from minho to changbin.

minho: hq meeting, now.

changbin sighs, getting up. "baby, as much as i wanna stay minho is calling a meeting. i'll be back for dinner." he says kissing felix's nose. "okay, stay safe." felix giggles.


as changbin arrives to hq at least 7 black vans are surrounding the building.

"is it that serious?" changbin mumbles scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. he parks the car and enters the building. it's almost too heavily guarded and gets in the elevator to the 30th floor. as he goes to the meeting room two guards stand outside. before he enters the room stops him with the words, "id please?"

changbin shows his id and gets it scanned before entering the room. at the very end sits minho and his father with chris and youngjae with jaebum, jackson and namjoon. "glad you could make it bin. take a seat." minho's father, mr. lee says.

"i'm sure you're all wondering why you were called to this emergency meeting. and as much as i didn't want to call it i had to due to certain circumstances." minho stands up turning on the flat screen tv. he pulls up a picture of seulgi and has a grimaced face. "as you all know, this is kang seulgi. we all know that her father mr. kang has a contract with us." mr. lee begins.

"i assume we are all aware of the things she is capable of, and you guys are probably wondering why we haven't terminated the contract yet even though she has committed several federal offenses." minho adds, pulling  up a record of all of the crimes she has done in the past towards minho's past lovers.

"unfortunately the contract cannot be broken until i take over in 3 years." minho says. "but there is an even worse catch. mr. kang has went against several rules in the contract including money laundering, illegal gambling with our money and even prostitution." mr. lee then adds pulling out several files. "as you know we are hitman. we kill, and get things done."

finally, namjoon raises his hand.

"are you saying what we think you're saying?" namjoon asks. mr. lee sighs and nods sadly.

"we are going to terminate kang seulgi, and her father."


"what do you mean you're killing seulgi?" jeongin asks. "innie, minho isn't safe anymore. "hell, he's lucky to be alive still." chris replies sighing running his fingers through his hair. "but, what about your job? what's gonna happen?" jeongin frowns holding his boyfriend's hand.

"baby, nothing is gonna happen to my job i promise. we are doing this to protect minho and the rest of the company." chris says. "even jisung."

"jisung is involved? how?" jeongin asks confused. "she stalked him and felix on their way home." chris replies. "i promise nothing is gonna happen, okay? trust me." chris asks. " know i love you right channie?" jeongin pouts. "i know you do princess. and channie loves you too."  he giggles giving a kiss on jeongin's lips.

the kiss, turns heated with jeongin getting on chris' lap locking his hands in chris' blonde hair. "c-channie..." jeongin gaps feeling the elder leave hickies on jeongin's pale skin. "god, it's been so long since i've been able to this..." chris says adding more marks to jeongin's chest. "chris...take off your clothes.." jeongin says between mouthed kisses. 

the two strip from their clothes and let's just say, they ended up having a lot of fun that night.

"love you channie."

"love you too innie."

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